 MCD/319: Depeche Mode - Condemnation - Belgien - 1993 - INDISC - 2100295 - 5411530002955

Matrixcode CD: EOD ARC 2100295 01)
1: Condemnation (Paris Mix) - 00:00
2: Death's Door (Jazz Mix) - 00:00
 MCD/335: Depeche Mode - Condemnation - Deutschland - 1993 - Mute Records - INT 811.913 - 4006758119137

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS H-2625 / 8112913 A
1: Condemnation (Paris Mix) - 00:00
2: Death's Door (Jazz Mix) - 00:00
 MCD/98: Depeche Mode - Condemnation - Deutschland - 1993 - Mute Records - INT 826.765 - 4006758267654

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS H-2811/826765 A 2
1: Condemnation (Paris Mix) - 00:00
2: Death's Door (Jazz Mix) - 00:00
3: Rush (Spiritual Guidance Mix) - 00:00
4: Rush (Amylnitrate Mix - Instrumental) - 00:00
 MCD/99: Depeche Mode - Condemnation (Live) - Deutschland - 1993 - Mute Records - INT 826.766 - 4006758267661

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS H-2626 / 826766 A1
1: Condemnation (Live) - 00:00
2: Personal Jesus (Live) - 00:00
3: Enjoy The Silence (Live) - 00:00
4: Halo (Live) - 00:00
 MCD/474: Depeche Mode - Condemnation - Frankreich - 1993 - Vogue - 74321163162 - 743211631624

Matrixcode CD: 74321163162 MPO 01 @@@ 9
1: Condemnation (Paris Mix) - 00:00
2: Death's Door (Jazz Mix) - 00:00
3: Rush (Spiritual Guidance Mix) - 00:00
4: Rush (Amylnitrate Mix - Instrumental) - 00:00
 MCD/476: Depeche Mode - Condemnation (Live) - Frankreich - 1993 - Vogue - 74321163172 - 743211631723

Matrixcode CD: 74321163172 MPO 01 @
1: Condemnation (Live) - 00:00
2: Personal Jesus (Live) - 00:00
3: Enjoy The Silence (Live) - 00:00
4: Halo (Live) - 00:00
 MCD/475: Depeche Mode - Condemnation - Frankreich - 1993 - Vogue - 74321163182 - 743211631822

Matrixcode CD: SNA 74321.16318.2 08139301 SNA
1: Condemnation (Paris Mix) - 00:00
2: Death's Door (Jazz Mix) - 00:00
 MX/883: Depeche Mode - Condemnation - Deutschland - 1993 - Mute Records - INT 126.765 - 4006751267651

Matrixcode Seite 1: INT 126 765-A2
Matrixcode Seite 2: INT 126 765-B2
1: Condemnation (Paris Mix) - 03:21
2: Death's Door (Jazz Mix) - 06:38
3: Rush (Amylnitrate Mix - Instrumental) - 07:41
4: Rush (Spiritual Guidance Mix) - 05:31
5: Rush (Wild Planet Mix - Vocal) - 06:24
 MX/884: Depeche Mode - Condemnation (Live) - Deutschland - 1993 - Mute Records - INT 126.766 - 4006751267668
deluxe inner sleeve

Matrixcode Seite 1: INT 126.766-A
Matrixcode Seite 2: INT 126.766-B
1: Condemnation (Live) - 04:09
2: Personal Jesus (Live) - 06:00
3: Enjoy The Silence (Live) - 06:45
4: Halo (Live) - 04:54
 MX/1054: Depeche Mode - Condemnation - Grossbritannien - 1993 - Mute Records - 12BONG23 - 5016025230235

Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 BONG 23 - B2 PR-M JA
Matrixcode Seite 1: 12BONG-23-A1 R MAXI TOWNHOUSE
1: Condemnation (Paris Mix) - 00:00
2: Death's Door (Jazz Mix) - 00:00
3: Rush (Amylnitrate Mix - Instrumental) - 00:00
4: Rush (Wild Planet Mix - Vocal) - 00:00
 MX/1092: Depeche Mode - Condemnation (Limited) - Grossbritannien - 1993 - Mute Records - L12BONG23 - 5016025530236

Matrixcode Seite 1: L12BONG23-A1 PR-M TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: L12BONG23-B1 PR-M TOWNHOUSE
1: Condemnation (Live) - 00:00
2: Personal Jesus (Live) - 00:00
3: Enjoy The Silence (Live) - 00:00
4: Halo (Live) - 00:00
 MX/1249: Depeche Mode - Condemnation (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1993 - Mute Records - P12BONG23 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 BONG-23- A1 MAXI TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 BONG-23- B1 A MAXI TOWNHOUSE
1: Condemnation (Paris Mix) - 00:00
2: Death's Door (Jazz Mix) - 00:00
3: Rush (Spiritual Guidance Mix) - 00:00
 MX/1667: Depeche Mode - Rush (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1993 - Mute Records - PL12BONG23R - -