 MCD/30: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Deutschland - 1989 - island records - 651 096 - 4007196510968

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 651096 A
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:20
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:02
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MCD/421: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Deutschland - 1983 - island records - 651 096-211 - 4007196510968

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 651096 A(2)
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:20
2: Ferry Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MCD/429: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Japan - 1984 - Polystar - P15D-37007 - 4988023006307
3'' CD

Matrixcode CD: P15D-37007 1A1 36 7
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:20
2: Ferry Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (International) - 04:21
 MCD/802: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Japan - 1984 - Polystar - P15D-37007 - 4988023006307

Matrixcode CD: P15D-37007 1A1 86 7
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:20
2: Ferry Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (International) - 04:21
 MX/1226: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Australien - 1984 - island records - X 13152 - -
US Mix 7:22

Matrixcode Seite 2: xSMX 61768x 1 SMX 62270 P2B 4:06-4:37
Matrixcode Seite 1: xSMX 62389x 23 SMX 62269 P2A 7:23
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1574: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Australien - 1984 - island records - X 13152 - -
US Mix 7:22

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX62389(crossed) SMX62269 P2A 7:23
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX61768(crossed) SMX62270 P2B2 4:06-4:37
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1433: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Australien - 1983 - island records - X-13139 -
New York Mix 8:20

Matrixcode Seite 2: B SMX61768 P2B 4:06-4:37
Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX61767 P2B2 8:23
1: Relax (New York Mix) - 08:20
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1538: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax 89 (Remix by Rebel X. & Vector S.) - Belgien - 1989 - New Belgian Sound - NBS 1955 006 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 1955-006-A1 FOON MASTERING
Matrixcode Seite 2: 1955-006-B1
1: Relax 89 (Club Mix) - 05:08
2: Relax 89 (Inner Style Mix) - 03:20
3: Relax 89 (Detroit Remix) - 03:18
 MX/1231: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Deutschland - 1983 - island records - 601 096-213 (12ZTAS1 A-3/84) - -
US Mix 7:22

Matrixcode Seite 1: 601096 A-3/84S I
Matrixcode Seite 2: 601096 B-2/84S I
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1232: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Deutschland - 1983 - island records - 601 096-213 (12ZTAS1 A-4/85) - -
US Mix 7:22

Matrixcode Seite 2: 601096 B-2/84S I II
Matrixcode Seite 1: DMM601096 A-4/85S I II
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1271: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Deutschland - 1983 - island records - 601 096-213 (12ZTAS1 A1/83S) -
New York Mix 8:20

Matrixcode Seite 1: 601096 A-1/83S I
Matrixcode Seite 2: 601096 B-1/83S I
1: Relax (New York Mix) - 08:20
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/202: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Deutschland - 1983 - island records - 601 096-213 (12ZTAS1 A5/2-89) -
US Mix 7:22

1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1491: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Griechenland - 1983 - island records - 062-2000686 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 2000686 A
Matrixcode Seite 2: 2000686 B
1: Relax (Disco Mix) - 06:15
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:15
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard - 04:24
 MX/203: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1983 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS1 (A-2U-1-1) -
New York Mix 8:20

1: Relax (New York Remix) - 08:20
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1477: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1983 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS1 (A-2U-1-1) -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 1 A-2U-1-1-II 12-IS-ZTAS-1-AS
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 1 B-3U-1-1-10 12-IS-ZTAS-1-BS
1: Relax (New York Remix) - 08:20
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1233: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1983 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS1 (A-4U-1-4) - -
US Mix 7:22

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 1 A-4U-1-4-2
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 1 B-3U-1-1-4 8 STERLING 12-IS-ZTAS-1-BS
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1473: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1983 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS1 (A-4U-1-5-XXXX C-) -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 1 A-4U-1-5-XXXX C-
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12-IS-ZTAS-I-BS 12 ZTAS 1 B-3U-1-3-47 STERLING
1: Relax (US Miix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1474: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1983 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS1 (A-4U-1-7-20) -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 1 A-4U-1-7-20
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12-IS-ZTAS-I-BS 12 ZTAS 1 B-3U-1-5-C STERLING
1: Relax (US Miix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1543: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS1 (A1) - -
states 45, plays 33 rpm

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 1 A-1U-1-1- F.F. ANYTIME WATER SPORTS
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 1 B-2U-1-1-
1: Relax (Sex Mix) - 16:24
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/967: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS1 (A5) -
Sex Mix 16:24

1: Relax (Sex Mix) - 16:24
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1222: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS1 (A5) - -
Sex Mix 16:24

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 1 A5 GRAEME 1 DAMONT
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 1 B4 DAMONT
1: Relax (Sex Mix) - 16:24
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1241: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - P12ZTAS1 - -
Picture Disc

Matrixcode Seite 2: 12PZTAS+1+B CPC-SRT
Matrixcode Seite 1: 12PZTAS-1-A CPC-SRT
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1528: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (30th Anniversay Edition) - Grossbritannien - 2014 - Salvo Music - SALVOTWS01 - 698458880123

Matrixcode Seite 1: 112681M1/A
Matrixcode Seite 2: 112681M2/A
1: Relax (Sex Mix Edit) - 08:10
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:33
 MX/1668: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Italien - 1984 - island records - WIPX 900 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: WIPX 900-1
Matrixcode Seite 2: WIPX 900-2
1: Relax (Sex Mix) - 16:45
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1383: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Italien - 1985 - Dischi Ricordi - WIPX-902 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: WIPX 902 - 1
Matrixcode Seite 2: WIPX 90X2 - 2
1: Relax (The Last Seven Inches!) - 03:25
2: Relax (US Mix) - 07:23
3: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:15
4: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:24
 MX/1514: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Japan - 1983 - island records - 13S-200 - -
US Mix 7:22

Matrixcode Seite 1: 13S-200 A CD M A A-1- 1 1 1 ::
Matrixcode Seite 2: 13S-200 B A-1-5
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 04:03
3: Relax (From Soft To Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1224: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - USA - 1985 - island records - 0-96975 - -
black island cover

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-45796-6 * STERLING 1-4
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-DM-45797-45798-6 * STERLING 1-2
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:20
2: Relax (Move) - 03:52
3: Relax (From Soft to Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1394: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - USA - 1985 - island records - 0-96975 - -
Giant 45 sleeve and labels

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-45796-6 * STERLING I-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-DM-45797-45798-6 * STERLING I-I
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Relax (Move) - 03:52
3: Relax (From Soft to Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1395: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - USA - 1985 - island records - 0-96975 - -
Giant 45 sleeve, island labels

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-45796-6 * STERLING I-3
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-DM-45797-45798-5 I-3 STERLING
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Relax (Move) - 03:52
3: Relax (From Soft to Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1413: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - USA - 1985 - island records - 0-96975 - -
Checkerboard sleeve

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-45796-6 * STERLING 3
Matrixcode Sete 2: ST-DM-45797-45798-5 1-3 STERLING
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Relax (Move) - 03:52
3: Relax (From Soft to Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1437: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - USA - 1985 - island records - 0-96975 - -
island company sleeve, yellow labels

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-45796-2 * STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-DM-45797-45798-2 * STERLING
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:20
2: Relax (Move) - 03:52
3: Relax (From Soft to Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1385: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - USA - 1984 - island records - DMD 691 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-45793-2 * STERLING I-2
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-DM-45794-45795-2 STERLING I-I
1: Relax (US Mix) - 07:22
2: Relax (Move) - 03:52
3: Relax (From Soft to Hard) - 04:21
 MX/1449: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - USA - 1983 - island records - PR 696 - -
double a sided

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-PR-45797-1 I-I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-PR-45797-1 I-I STERLING
1: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:55
2: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:55
 S/504: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - Argentinien - 1985 - RCA - S-0457 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: JAHO-24826 C5
Matrixcode Seite 2: JAHO-24827 C5
1: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:52
2: Dos Tribus (Two Tribes) - 03:57
 S/458: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Australien - 1983 - island records - K-9318 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 8 SMX 61687 P2A 3:54
Matrixcode Seite 2: II SMX 61688 P2A 4:27
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/471: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Deutschland - 1983 - island records - 106104 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: DS 106104 A-1/83S I III
Matrixcode Seite 2: DS 106104 B-1/83S I
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One Sepzember Monday - 04:47
 S/423: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1983 - ZTT Records - PZTAS1 - -
Picture Disc

Matrixcode Seite 1: PZTAS 1A JB 4 SOUNDCLINIC SRT
Matrixcode Seite 2: PZTAS 1B
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/402: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Grossbritannien - 1983 - ZTT Records - ZTAS1 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: TOWNHOUSE ZTAS 1 B-1U-1-1-14
Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 1 A-1U-1-1-14
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/495: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS1 - -
1-sided promo titled "Warp-Mix"

Matrixcode Seite 1: MPO ZTAS 1 A1
1: Relax (The Last Seven Inches!) - 03:25
 S/376: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS1DJ - -
"Ferry Cross The Mersey" stamp

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS-1-DJ-A-1 Jonz DAMONT
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS-1-DJ-B-1 DAMONT
1: Relax (The Last Seven Inches!) - 03:31
2: One September Monday - 04:49
 S/450: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS1DJ - -
"One September Monday" stamp

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS-1-DJ-A1 JONZ DAMONT
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS-1-DJ-B1 DAMONT
1: Relax (The Last Seven Inches!) - 03:31
2: One September Monday - 04:49
 S/451: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS1DJ - -
"Ferry Cross The Mersey" stamp

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS-1-DJ-A1 JONZ DAMONT
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS-1-DJ-B1 DAMONT
1: Relax (The Last Seven Inches!) - 03:31
2: One September Monday - 04:49
 S/605: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS1DJ - -
complete white labels

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS-I-DJ-A1 Jonz DAMONT I P
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS-I-DJ-B1 DAMONT K
1: Relax (The Last Seven Inches!) - 03:31
2: One September Monday - 04:49
 S/525: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Italien - 1984 - Dischi Ricordi - ZTAS 1 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 1 - 1
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS 1 - 2
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/415: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Japan - 1984 - Polystar - 7SI-117 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 7SI-117A 1 1 1 :: R S T U V
Matrixcode Seite 2: 7SI-117B 1 1 1 ::
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/435: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - Kanada - 1983 - island records - 79 98057 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 79-98057 A1 Relax!
Matrixcode Seite 2: 79-98057 B1 S2
1: Relax (US Mix Edit) - 03:02
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/612: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Kanada - 1983 - island records - 98057 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: IS-98057 A1 Relax! CR
Matrixcode Seite 2: IS-98057 B1 S.2. CR
1: Relax (Move) - 03:56
2: One September Monday - 04:48
 S/440: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Spanien - 1984 - island records - A-106.104 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A 106 104 A IN³
Matrixcode Seite 2: A 106 104 B 2N³
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/453: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - Spanien - 1983 - BMG Ariola - A-106.104 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A.106.104.A.1N3
Matrixcode Seite 2: A.106.104.B.2N3
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/538: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Südafrika - 1984 - Priority Records - WIP 6654 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: WIP 6654 A
Matrixcode Seite 2: WIP 6654 B
1: Relax (Move) - 03:54
2: One September Monday - 04:50
 S/469: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax ('Revival Of The Fitest') - USA - 1985 - island records - 7-94996 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-47031-2 * STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 1: STL XXXXXX 45719-1 I-I STERLING
1: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:56
2: Two Tribes - 03:20
 S/384: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - USA - 1984 - island records - 7-99805 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-45980-2 * STERLING SRC I-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-45980-2 * STERLING SRC I-I
1: Relax (US Mix Edit) - 03:02
2: Relax (US Mix Edit) - 03:02
 S/432: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - USA - 1983 - island records - 7-99805 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL 45719-3 R-12197 * STERLING SLM ^ 5749 I-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-45720-3 R-12198 * STERLING I-I SLM ^ 5749-X
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/483: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - USA - 1983 - island records - 7-99805 - -
blue island with purple company writing

Matrixcode Seite 1: STIL XXXXX-45719-2 * STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-45720-1 I-I STERLING
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/507: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - USA - 1983 - island records - 7-99805 - -
pink island sleeve

Matrixcode Seite 1: STIL XXXXX-45719-2 *STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-45720-1 I-I STERLING
1: Relax (Move) - 03:52
2: One September Monday - 04:47
 S/556: Various Artists - The Re-Organization of Pop (7" Box Set) - USA - 2014 - Razor & Tie - 79307-83560-7 / Element 32 - 793018356077
10 x 7" numbered limited edition 336/1000

Matrixcode Single 1 A: NOISELAND 13-0824-01 A K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 1 B: NOISELAND 13-0824-01 B K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 2 A: NOISELAND 13-0824-02 A K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 2 B: NOISELAND 13-0824-02 B K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 3 A: NOISELAND 13-0824-03 A K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 3 B: NOISELAND 13-0824-03 B K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 4 A: NOISELAND 13-0824-04 A K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 4 B: NOISELAND 13-0824-04 B K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 5 A: 13-0824-05 A K SST NOISELAND MPO
Matrixcode Single 5 B: 13-0824-05 B K SST NOISELAND MPO
Matrixcode Single 6 A: 13-0824-06 A K SST NOISELAND MPO
Matrixcode Single 6 B: NOISELAND 13-0824-06 B K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 7 A: 13-0824-08 A K SST NOISELAND MPO
Matrixcode Single 7 B: 13-0824-08 B K SST NOISELAND MPO
Matrixcode Single 8 A: 13-0824-07 A K SST NOISELAND MPO
Matrixcode Single 8 B: 13-0824-07 B K SST NOISELAND MPO
Matrixcode Single 9 A: 13-0824-09 A MPO K SST NOISELAND
Matrixcode Single 9 B: NOISELAND 13-0824-09 B K SST MPO
Matrixcode Single 10 A: NOISELAND 13-0824-10 A MPO K SST
Matrixcode Single 10 B: 13-0824-10 B K SST NOISELAND MPO
1: Beat Box (Diversion Six) / Art Of Noise - 00:00
2: Relax / Frankie Goes To Hollywood - 00:00
3: Dr.Mabuse / Propaganda - 00:00
4: 32 Frames For Orchestra (New York Radio Edit) / Andrew Poppy - 00:00
5: Chance / Act - 00:00
6: Pacific 707 / 808 State - 00:00
7: Haunted / Shane MacGowan With Sinéad O'Connor - 00:00
8: Pavement Tune / The Frames - 00:00
9: Dolphins / Heights Of Abraham - 00:00
10: I Am A Camera / The Buggles - 00:00
 S/372: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - USA - 1983 - island records - PR 600 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-PR 45719-1 I-I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-PR 45719-2 I-I * STERLING
1: Relax (Move) - 03:55
2: Relax (Move) - 03:55
 S/404: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - USA - 1983 - island records - PR 695 - -
double a-side

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-PR-45797-1 | - | STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-PR-45797-1 | - | STERLING
1: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:55
2: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:55
 S/442: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (Promo) - USA - 1983 - island records - PR 695 - -
double a-side

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-PR-45797-1 | - | STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-PR-45797-1 | - | STERLING
1: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:55
2: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:55
 S/537: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Zimbabwe - 1984 - Priority Records - WIP 6654 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: WIP 6654 A
Matrixcode Seite 2: no matrix on side b
1: Relax (Move) - 03:54
2: One September Monday - 04:50
 S/558: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Zimbabwe - 1984 - Priority Records - WIP 6654 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: WIP 6654 A
Matrixcode Seite 2: WIP 6654 B
1: Relax (Move) - 03:54
2: One September Monday - 04:50
Two Tribes
 MCD/420: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Deutschland - 1989 - island records - 651 325-211 - 4007196513259

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 651325 A
1: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 04:12
3: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 03:46
4: The Last Voice - 01:14
 MCD/417: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Japan - 1988 - Polystar - P15D-37008 - 4988023006314
3'' CD

Matrixcode CD: P15D-37008 1A2 87
1: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 04:12
3: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 03:46
4: The Last Voice - 01:14
 MX/1573: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Carnage) - Australien - 1984 - ZTT Records - X 14092 - -
"2nd Mix" re-issue

Matrixcode Seite 1: 1 SMX-62651 U2A2 7:56
Matrixcode Seite 2: II SMX-62652 U2A2 10:58
1: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 00:00
3: Two Tribes - 00:00
4: One February Friday - 00:00
 MX/1691: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Carnage) - Australien - 1984 - ZTT Records - X 14092 - -
"2nd mix" - original limited edition #17

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX-62651 X14092A URA 7.56
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX-62652 X14092B URA 10.58
1: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 00:00
3: Two Tribes - 00:00
4: One February Friday - 00:00
 MX/1440: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Annihilation) - Australien - 1984 - island records - X-14065 - -
blue island label

Matrixcode Seite 2: 2 SMX-62390 W2C2
Matrixcode Seite 1: 25 SMX-62389
1: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:10
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 04:12
3: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 04:11
4: One February Friday - 04:57
 MX/1273: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - War - Australien - 1985 - Festival Records - X-14103 - -
white festival labels

Matrixcode Seite 2: 2 SMX-62882 URA
Matrixcode Seite 1: 4 SMX-62881 URA 8.33
1: War (Hidden) - 00:00
2: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
3: One February Friday (Only Bullets Can Stop Them Now) - 00:00
 MX/338: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Annihilation) - Deutschland - 1984 - island records - 601 325-213 (12ZTAS3) - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 601325 A-1/84 S III III
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 601325 B-1/84 S III III
1: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:07
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 04:14
3: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 03:40
4: One February Friday - 01:17
 MX/1019: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Annihilation) - Deutschland - 1984 - island records - 601 325-213 (12ZTAS3) - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 601325 A-1/84 S III III
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 601325 B-1/84 S III
1: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:07
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 04:14
3: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 03:40
4: One February Friday - 01:17
 MX/1260: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Carnage) - Deutschland - 1984 - island records - 601455-213 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 601455 A-1/84 S III
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 601455 B-1/84 S III II
1: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 07:56
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 04:14
3: Two Tribes - 03:44
4: One February Friday - 01:10
 MX/1548: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Fuck War - Deutschland - 2003 - unknown - FUCKWAR - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: no matrix
Matrixcode Seite 2: no matrix
1: War (Fuck War Mix 1) - 07:44
2: War (Fuck War Mix 2) - 07:26
 MX/1485: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Annihilation) - Griechenland - 1984 - island records - 062-200220 6 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12ZTAS 3 A FGTH MAXI 45RPM I
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12ZTAS 3 B
1: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 00:00
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 00:00
3: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 00:00
4: One February Friday - 00:00
 MX/938: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - War - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - WARTZ3 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: WARTZ 3 A-3U-1-1-3 TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: WARTZ 3 B-3U-1-1-x 1
1: War (Hidden) - 00:00
2: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
3: One February Friday - 00:00
 MX/1068: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - War - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - WARTZ3 - -
Picture Disc

Matrixcode Seite 1: WARTZ+3+A2 TOWNHOUSE ORLAKE
Matrixcode Seite 2: WARTZ+3+B2 TOWNHOUSE ORLAKE
1: War (Hidden) - 00:00
2: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
3: One February Friday (Only Bullets Can Stop Them Now) - 00:00
 MX/1189: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - War - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - WARTZ3 - -
Carnage sleeve

Matrixcode Seite 1: WARTZ 3 A-3U-1-3-3 TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: WARTZ 3 B-3U-1-*-3-3 TOWNHOUSE
1: War (Hidden) - 00:00
2: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
3: One February Friday (Only Bullets Can Stop Them Now) - 00:00
 MX/1171: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Hibakusha) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - XZIP1 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: XZIP1 A-1 A PORKY PRIME CUT DAMONT
Matrixcode Seite 2: XZIP1 B-1 TORKU FUSIE
1: Two Tribes (Hibakusha) - 06:38
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 04:12
3: One February Friday - 01:46
4: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 03:46
5: The Last Voice - Edited [unlisted] - 00:35
 MX/948: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Carnage) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - XZTAS3 -

1: War (Hide Yourself) - 00:00
2: Two Tribes - 00:00
3: One February Friday - 00:00
4: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
 MX/1311: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - XZTAS3DJ - -

1: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
2: Relax (US Mix) - 00:00
 MX/1448: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Annihilation) - Japan - 1984 - Polystar - 13SI-242 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: 13SI-242B 111**
Matrixcode Seite 1: V $B 13SI-242A 111** U
1: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:07
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 06:54
3: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 05:40
4: One February Friday - 01:57
 MX/1468: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Annihilation) - Spanien - 1984 - island records - F-601325 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: F601.325 A IN³
Matrixcode Seite 2: F601.325 B IN³
1: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 00:00
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 00:00
3: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 00:00
4: One February Friday - 00:00
 MX/1347: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - USA - 1984 - island records - 0-96931 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-46711-5 1-1 STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-DM-46712-1 1-2 STERLING
1: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 00:00
3: One February Friday - 00:00
4: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 00:00
5: The Last Voice - 00:00
 MX/1358: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Promo) - USA - 1984 - island records - DMD 760 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-46711-5 I-I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-DM-46712-1 I-I STERLING
1: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 00:00
3: One February Friday - 00:00
4: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 00:00
5: The Last Voice - 00:00
 MX/1470: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Promo) - USA - 1984 - island records - DMD 760 - -
plain white sleeve

1: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
2: War (Hide Yourself) - 00:00
3: One February Friday - 00:00
4: Two Tribes (Surrender) - 00:00
5: The Last Voice - 00:00
 MX/1287: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Promo) - USA - 1984 - island records - PR 657 - -
double a-side

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-PR-47031-1I I-I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-PR-47031-2 I-I * STERLING
1: Twpo Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
2: Twpo Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
 MX/1294: Hot Tracks - Series 3 - Issue 7 - USA - 1984 - Hot Tracks - SA 3-7 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SA-3 7 A1i 19296(2) A3
Matrixcode Seite 2: SA-3 7 Bi 19297(2) R3 A
1: Two Tribes (Blitz Mix) / Frankie Goes To Hollywood - 08:50
2: The Nextz In Line (Instrumental DubRemix) / Eric R - 06:42
3: Overlays (Hot Tracks Mix) / Various Artitsts - 03:15
4: Keep Dancin' (Remix) / Touch of Class - 07:40
 S/456: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Australien - 1984 - island records - K-9407 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 SMX-62287 W2B 3.54
Matrixcode Seite 2: 2 SMX-62288 W2B3 4.57
1: Two Tribes (Cowboys And Indians) - 00:00
2: One February Friday (Doctors And Nurses) - 00:00
 S/517: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Australien - 1984 - island records - K-9407 - -
red festival sleeve, blue island labels

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 SMX-62287 W2B 3:54
Matrixcode Seite 2: 17 SMX-62288 W2B 04:57
1: Two Tribes (Cowboys And Indians) - 00:00
2: One February Friday (Doctors And Nurses) - 00:00
 S/472: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Deutschland - 1984 - - 106 495-100 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: DS 106495 A-1/84S I II
Matrixcode Seite 2: DS 106495 B-2/84 S I IV
1: Two Tribes - 03:56
2: One February Friday - 04:53
 S/388: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - PZTAS3 - -
Picture Disc

Matrixcode Seite 1: PZTAS+3+A3 ORLAKE TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: PZTAS+3+B3 ORLAKE TOWNHOUSE
1: Two Tribes (We Don't Want To Die) - 04:10
2: One February Friday - 04:55
 S/408: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS3 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 3 A-5U-1-1 1TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS 3 B-1U-1-2 C
1: Two Tribes (Cowboys And Indians) - 00:00
2: One February Friday (Doctors And Nurses) - 00:00
 S/522: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Irland - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS3 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 3-A JL
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS 3-B JL
1: Two Tribes (Cowboys And Indians) - 00:00
2: One February Friday (Doctors And Nurses) - 00:00
 S/523: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Italien - 1984 - Dischi Ricordi - ZTAS3 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 3-1 ^^
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS 3-2
1: Two Tribes (Cowboys And Indians) - 00:00
2: One February Friday (Doctors And Nurses) - 00:00
 S/416: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Promo) - Japan - 1984 - Polystar - 7SI-122 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 7SI-122A 1 1 1 :: S V
Matrixcode Seite 2: 7SI-122B 1 1 1 ::
1: Two Tribes (Cowboys And Indians) - 00:00
2: One February Friday (Doctors And Nurses) - 00:00
 S/496: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Japan - 1984 - Polystar - 7SI-122 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: 7SI-122B 111*
Matrixcode Seite 1: V *B 7SI-122A 111* S
1: Two Tribes (Cowboys And Indians) - 00:00
2: One February Friday (Doctors And Nurses) - 00:00
 S/603: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - Kanada - 1984 - island records - ISL-97004 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ISL 97004-A CA TLC-A
Matrixcode Seite 2: ISL 97004-Ⱥ B CA TLC-A
1: Two Tribes (We Don't Want To Die) - 04:11
2: One February Friday - 04:53
 S/572: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Promo) - Spanien - 1984 - island records - A-106 495 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A.160.495.A IN³
Matrixcode Seite 2: A.160.495.B IN³
1: Two Tribes (Cowboys And Indians) - 00:00
2: One February Friday (Doctors And Nurses) - 00:00
 S/374: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes - USA - 1984 - island records - 7-99695 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-46729-1 STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-47031-1 STERLING
1: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
2: One February Friday - 04:58
 S/405: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Promo) - USA - 1984 - island records - 7-99695 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-47031-1 I - I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-47031-2 I - I * STERLING
1: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
2: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
 S/441: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Promo) - USA - 1984 - island records - 7-99695 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-47031-1 I - I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-47031-2 I - I * STERLING
1: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
2: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
 S/484: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Promo) - USA - 1984 - island records - 7-99695 - -
labels variation

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-47031-1 I - I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-47031-1 I - I STERLING
1: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
2: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
Welcome To The Pleasuredome
 CD/798: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Australien - 1985 - island records - 824 052-2 - 042282405227

Matrixcode CD: MADE BY DISCOTRONICS B ** 824052-2 ** #03
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:31
7: Ferry - 01:39
8: Born To Run - 04:02
9: San Jose (The Way) - 03:04
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
11: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
12: Krisco Kisses - 02:56
13: Black Night White Light - 04:09
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
15: The Power Of Love - 05:25
16: Bang... - 01:07
 CD/470: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1985 - ZTT Records - 4509-94745-2 - 745099474522
WE 835, no mould SID code

Matrixcode CD: 450994745-2 WME
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: Bang... - 00:00
 CD/471: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1985 - ZTT Records - 4509-94745-2 - 745099474522
WE 833, has mould SID code

Matrixcode CD: 450994745-2 WME
Mould SID Code: IFPI 0538
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: Bang... - 00:00
 CD/1105: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1985 - island records - 610 195-217 - 4007196101951

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 610 195 B
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
6: The Last Voice - 01:14
7: Born To Run - 04:02
8: Happy Hi! - 04:12
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
10: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
11: Krisco Kisses - 02:59
12: Black Night White Light - 04:09
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
14: The Power Of Love - 05:25
15: bang... - 01:07
 CD/484: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1985 - island records - 610 195-222 - 4007196101951

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 610 195 A
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
6: The Last Voice - 01:14
7: Born To Run - 04:02
8: Happy Hi! - 04:12
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
10: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
11: Krisco Kisses - 02:59
12: Black Night White Light - 04:09
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
14: The Power Of Love - 05:25
15: bang... - 01:07
 CD/850: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1985 - island records - 610 195-222 - 4007196101951
catalog number hidden inside back silver center

Matrixcode CD: 824 052-2 01 * V WP
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
6: The Last Voice - 01:14
7: Born To Run - 04:02
8: Happy Hi! - 04:12
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
10: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
11: Krisco Kisses - 02:59
12: Black Night White Light - 04:09
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
14: The Power Of Love - 05:25
15: bang... - 01:07
 CD/483: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1985 - island records - 610 195-231 - 4007196101951
clear center

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 610 195 C
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
6: The Last Voice - 01:14
7: Born To Run - 04:02
8: Happy Hi! - 04:12
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
10: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
11: Krisco Kisses - 02:59
12: Black Night White Light - 04:09
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
14: The Power Of Love - 05:25
15: bang... - 01:07
 CD/1009: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1985 - island records - 610 195-231 - 4007196101951
silver center

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 610 195 C
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
6: The Last Voice - 01:14
7: Born To Run - 04:02
8: Happy Hi! - 04:12
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
10: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
11: Krisco Kisses - 02:59
12: Black Night White Light - 04:09
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
14: The Power Of Love - 05:25
15: bang... - 01:07
 CD/1102: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (20th Anniversay CD+DVD) - Deutschland - 1985 - Repertoire - REP 5002 - 4009910500224
20th Anniversary edition CD+DVD sealed

1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 01:58
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:39
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:55
4: War (And Hide) - 06:11
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:22
6: (Tag) - 00:32
7: Fury - 01:49
8: Born To Run - 03:56
9: San Jose - 03:07
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
11: The Ballad of 32 - 04:46
12: Krisco Kisses - 02:56
13: Black Night White Light - 04:05
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
15: The Power Of Love - 05:28
16: bang... - 01:07
17: One September Monday - 04:48
18: One February Friday - 05:57
21: Welcome To The Pleasusredome (Video) /DVD - 07:51
22: Relax (Video) / DVD - 04:07
23: Two Tribes (Video) / DVD - 04:08
24: The Power Of Love (Video) / DVD - 04:58
 CD/520: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 2000 - Repertoire - REP4896 - 4009910489628
digipak re-release 2000

Matrixcode CD: A0100326190-0101 11 A0
Mould SID Code: IFPI 94E4
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L551
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: Bang... - 00:00
17: One September Monday - 00:00
18: One February Friday - 00:00
 CD/1095: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - EU - 1985 - island records - 610195-222 - 4007196101951

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 610 195 A
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 00:00
6: The Last Voice - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: Happy Hi! - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: Bang... - 00:00
 CD/485: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - EU - 1985 - island records - 824 052-2 - 042282405227
made in France

Matrixcode CD: 824 052-2 00 L7 1L
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 00:00
6: The Last Voice - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: Happy Hi! - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: bang... - 00:00
 CD/512: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - EU - 1984 - island records - 824052-2 CID 101 - 042282405227
made in UK

Matrixcode CD: CID 101 10083651 01 % MADE IN U.K. BY PDO
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 00:00
6: The Last Voice - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: Happy Hi! - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: bang... - 00:00
 CD/1169: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - EU - 2020 - ZTT Records - 8242199 - 602508242199

Matrixcode CD: 00602508242199 A0103267193-0101 18 A00
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 01:59
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:41
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:57
4: War (And Hide) - 06:13
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:28
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:35
7: Fury - 01:49
8: Born To Run - 03:59
9: San Jose (The Way) - 03:11
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
11: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
12: Krisco Kisses - 02:59
13: Black Night White Light - 04:09
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
15: The Power Of Love - 05:32
16: Bang... - 01:09
 CD/1080: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - EU - 2017 - BMG - BMGAA04CD - 4050538240245

Matrixcode CD: MBGAA04CD 32 A0
Mould SID Code: IFPI 943A
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L552
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: Bang... - 00:00
 CD/693: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Remastered) - EU - 2009 - Salvo Music - SALVOCD032 - 698458813220

Matrixcode CD: | SALVOCD032 | 030617 |
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: Bang... - 00:00
 CD/694: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Deluxe 2CD) - EU - 2010 - Salvo Music - SALVOMDCD03 - 698458990327

Matrixcode CD1: | SALVOMDCD03/A | 033117 |
Matrixcode CD2: | SALVOMDCD03/B | 033118 |
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: Bang... - 00:00
21: Relax (Greatest Bits) - 00:00
22: One September Monday - 00:00
23: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 00:00
24: Disneyland - 00:00
25: Two Tribes (Between Rulers And Ruling) - 00:00
26: War (Between Hiding And Hidden) - 00:00
27: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Cut Rough) - 00:00
28: One February Friday - 00:00
29: The Ballad Of 32 (Mix 2) - 00:00
30: Who Then Devised The Torment? - 00:00
31: Relax (Disko Mix) - 00:00
32: Watusi Love Juicy - 00:00
33: The Last Voice - 00:00
 CD/556: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Frankreich - 1985 - Wagram Music - 3052922 - 5030094023024

Matrixcode CD: MEDIA DISC 9928857/305292 2 A99SA72379
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L581
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: Bang... - 00:00
 CD/399: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - CID 101 - -

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 610 195 C
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
6: The Last Voice - 01:14
7: Born To Run - 04:02
8: Happy Hi! - 04:12
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
10: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
11: Krisco Kisses - 02:59
12: Black Night White Light - 04:09
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
14: The Power Of Love - 05:25
15: bang... - 01:07
 CD/801: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - CID 101 - 501447401025

Matrixcode CD: CID 101 10083651 01 % MADE IN U.K. BY PDO
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
6: The Last Voice - 01:14
7: Born To Run - 04:02
8: Happy Hi! - 04:12
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
10: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
11: Krisco Kisses - 02:59
12: Black Night White Light - 04:09
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
14: The Power Of Love - 05:25
15: bang... - 01:07
 CD/466: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1998 - ZTT Records - ZTT106CD - 5030094023024
1998 re-release

1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:31
7: Ferry - 01:39
8: Born To Run - 04:02
9: San Jose (The Way) - 03:04
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
11: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
12: Krisco Kisses - 02:56
13: Black Night White Light - 04:09
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
15: The Power Of Love - 05:25
16: Bang... - 01:07
 CD/1109: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - ZTT106CD - 5030094023024
silver CD

Matrixcode CD: ZTT106CD 02 OI
Mould SID Code: IFPI 5810
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L023
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:31
7: Ferry - 01:39
8: Born To Run - 04:02
9: San Jose (The Way) - 03:04
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
11: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
12: Krisco Kisses - 02:56
13: Black Night White Light - 04:09
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
15: The Power Of Love - 05:25
16: Bang... - 01:07
 CD/743: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Italien - 1985 - Dischi Ricordi - CID 101 - -
Wrong tracklist

Matrixcode CD: POZZOLI DIGIP CID 101
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:31
7: Ferry - 01:39
8: Born To Run - 04:02
9: San Jose (The Way) - 03:04
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
11: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
12: Krisco Kisses - 02:56
13: Black Night White Light - 04:09
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
15: The Power Of Love - 05:25
16: Bang... - 01:07
 CD/475: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Japan - 1994 - Polystar - P40D-20001 - -

Matrixcode CD: P40D20001 51205T
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 00:00
6: The Last Voice - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: Happy Hi! - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: Bang... - 00:00
 CD/843: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Japan - 1991 - Polystar - PSCD-1176 - 498803016672

Matrixcode CD: PSCD-1176-A2W 1 2 V
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 09:08
6: The Last Voice - 01:14
7: Born To Run - 04:02
8: Happy Hi! - 04:12
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
10: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
11: Krisco Kisses - 02:59
12: Black Night White Light - 04:09
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
14: The Power Of Love - 05:25
15: bang... - 01:07
 CD/467: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Japan - 1994 - wea - WPCR-16 - 4943674001620
mit bonus tracks

Matrixcode CD: WPCR-16 P01
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: Bang... - 00:00
17: Two Tribes (Fluke's Minimix) - 00:00
18: Two Tribes (Fluke's Magimix) - 00:00
 CD/1112: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Japan - 1996 - wea - WPCR-614 - 4943674061426

Matrixcode CD: WPCR-614 P02
Mould SID Code: IFPI 1822
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L712
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 01:55
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:35
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:54
4: War (And Hide) - 06:09
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:20
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:31
7: Ferry - 01:39
8: Born To Run - 04:02
9: San Jose (The Way) - 03:04
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
11: The Ballad of 32 - 04:49
12: Krisco Kisses - 02:56
13: Black Night White Light - 04:09
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
15: The Power Of Love - 05:25
16: Bang... - 01:07
 CD/663: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Japan - 2009 - ZTT Records - XECZ-1037 - 4580132732278
2CD "Mini-LP"

Matrixcode CD1: 1B07500806 XECZ-1037
Matrixcode CD2: 1B07500807 XECZ-1038
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes - 00:00
6: Tag - 00:00
7: Fury - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San José - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: bang... - 00:00
21: Relax (Sex Mix) - 00:00
22: Two Tribes (Carnage) - 00:00
23: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (The Soundtrack Of Ber - 00:00
24: The Power Of Love (Instrumental Version) - 00:00
25: War (Hidden) - 00:00
26: Relax (International) - 00:00
27: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 00:00
28: One September Monday - 00:00
29: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - 00:00
 CD/476: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - USA - 1984 - island records - 422-824 052-2 - 042282405227
silver center

Matrixcode CD: 4228 24 0522 01% MADE IN USA BY PDO
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: Bang... - 00:00
 CD/468: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - USA - 1985 - island records - 7 90232-2 - 075679023223
made in Japan hidden on inside back

Matrixcode CD: 90232 2 M 2 F II
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (Annihilation) - 00:00
6: The Last Voice - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: Happy Hi! - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: bang... - 00:00
 LP/207: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Australien - 1984 - Festival Records - RML 57001/2 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX-63079 uz 33
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX63080 ura H (MX-63032)crossed
Matrixcode Seite 3: SMX-63081 ura
Matrixcode Seite 4: SMX-63082 U2C2
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: San Jose (the way) - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: Bang... - 00:00
16: Black Night White Light - 00:00
17: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
18: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
19: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
20: The Power Of Love - 00:00
21: bang... - 00:00
 LP/88: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1984 - island records - 302 419-977 - 4007193024192

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 302417 A-2/84 S III
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 302417 B-1/84 S III IV
Matrixcode Seite 4: DM 302418 B-1/84 S III D II
Matrixcode Seite 3: DM 302418 C-1/84 S III IV
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: San Jose (the way) - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: Bang... - 00:00
16: Black Night White Light - 00:00
17: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
18: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
19: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
20: The Power Of Love - 00:00
21: bang... - 00:00
 LP/462: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - EU - 2020 - ZTT Records - 8242205 - 602508242205

Matrixcode Seite 1: 0824220-A 212899E1/A 0824220 F
Matrixcode Seite 2: 0824220-B 212899E2/A 0824220 G Greg@FT
Matrixcode Seite 3: 0824220-C 212899E3/A 0824220 T
Matrixcode Seite 4: 0824220-D 212899E4/A1 0824220 H Greg@FT
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: San Jose (the way) - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: Bang... - 00:00
16: Black Night White Light - 00:00
17: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
18: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
19: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
20: The Power Of Love - 00:00
21: bang... - 00:00
 LP/364: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - EU - 2017 - BMG - BMGAA04LP - 4050538244106
"The art of the album" special edition with 6-page booklet.

Matrixcode Seite 1: 121636E1/B
Matrixcode Seite 2: 121636E2/D
Matrixcode Seite 3: 121636E3/C
Matrixcode Seite 4: 121636E4/A
1: The World Is My Oyster (Including Well, Snatch Of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: bang... - 00:00
 LP/300: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - EU - 2010 - Music On Vinyl - MOVLP116 - 8713748980139

Matrixcode Seite 1: 86688 1A MOVLP 116
Matrixcode Seite 2: 86688 1B MOVLP 116
Matrixcode Seite 3: 86688 1C MOVLP 116
Matrixcode Seite 4: 86688 1D MOVLP 116
1: The World Is My Oyster (Including Well, Snatch Of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: bang... - 00:00
 LP/306: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Inside The Pleasuredome - EU - 2014 - Salvo Music - SALVOFLBX001 - 698458390127
Limited Box Set 2LP, 3x10", Cassette, 2-sided DVD (PAL/NTSC)

Matrixcode LP Seite 1: 121636E1/A
Matrixcode LP Seite 2: 121636E2/A
Matrixcode LP Seite 3: 121636E3/A
Matrixcode LP Seite 4: 121636E4/A
Matrixcode 10" 1 Seite 1: 121905F1/A
Matrixcode 10" 1 Seite 2: 121905F2/A
Matrixcode 10" 2 Seite 1: 121904F1/B
Matrixcode 10" 2 Seite 2: 121904F2/B
Matrixcode 10" 3 Seite 1: 121903F1/B
Matrixcode 10" 3 Seite 2: 121903F2/C
Matrixcode DVD A: 2100005119917 SIDE A SALVOFLBX001 PAL
Matrixcode DVD B: 2100005119917 SIDE B SALVOFLBX001 NTSC
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well and Snatch of Fury) - 01:58
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 13:40
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 03:56
4: War (...And Hide) - 06:13
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 03:28
6: Tag - 00:35
8: Ferry (Go) - 01:49
9: Born To Run - 03:59
10: San Jose (The Way) - 03:10
11: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 02:48
12: Including The Ballad Of 32 - 04:49
13: Krisco Kisses - 02:58
14: Black Night White Light - 04:09
15: The Only Star In Heaven - 04:16
16: The Power Of Love - 05:31
17: Bang - 01:09
18: Relax (04.09.83: Rough Mix) - 04:09
19: Relax (10.09.83: CMI Backing Track) - 03:13
20: The Only Star In Heaven (29.08.84: 'Gary's Mix' With Keys and BD) - 03:27
21: The Only Star In Heaven (29.08.84: 'Gary's Mix' Dub Bits) - 02:22
22: Two Tribes (04.10.84: Bit 4) - 00:29
23: War (04.10.84: Man Has A Sense For The Discovery Of Beauty) - 08:35
24: Two Tribes (31.05.84: Rough 12" Mix) - 04:27
25: Two Tribes (01.06.84: Rough 12" Mix) - 06:32
26: War (17.05.84: 'War! III') - 10:19
27: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (10.08.84: 'Pleasuredome II') - 09:44
28: Relax (Bit 1) - 00:54
29: Relax (Sex Mix) - 16:24
30: Relax (New York Mix) - 07:25
31: Relax (Greatest Bits) - 16:49
32: One September Monday (Bit 1) - 01:43
33: Relax (Bit 2) - 01:10
34: Relax (Sex Mix, Edition 2) - 08:24
35: Relax (Sex Mix, Edition 3) - 08:10
36: Relax (Video Version) - 04:23
37: One September Monday (Bit 2) - 00:42
38: Relax (Greek Disco Mix) - 06:16
39: Relax (The Last Seven Inches!) - 03:33
40: Relax (Bonus, Again) - 04:34
41: Relax (Bit 3) - 00:44
42: Relax (Version 1) - 00:00
43: Relax (Live Version) - 00:00
44: Relax (Laser Version) - 00:00
45: Two Tribes (Version 1) - 00:00
46: Two Tribes (Video Destructo) - 00:00
47: The Power Of Love (Version 1) - 00:00
48: The Power Of Love (Version 2) - 00:00
49: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (An Alternative To Reality) - 00:00
50: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (The Escape Act) - 00:00
51: Relax (No 1 And Guiltless, Version 1) - 00:00
52: Relax (No 1 And Guiltless, Version 2) - 00:00
53: The Power Of Love (Win Hearts And Minds) - 00:00
54: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (The Event Of The Decade) - 00:00
55: Relax (5.1 Mix) - 00:00
56: Two Tribes (5.1 Mix) - 00:00
57: Ferry Cross The Mersey (5.1 Mix) - 00:00
58: The World Is My Oyster (5.1 Mix) - 00:00
59: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (5.1 Mix) - 00:00
60: San Jose (5.1 Mix) - 00:00
61: War (5.1 Mix) - 00:00
62: Born To Run (5.1 Mix) - 00:00
63: The Power Of Love (5.1 Mix) - 00:00
 LP/244: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Extraits) (Promo) - Frankreich - 1984 - island records - 6863 244 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 058 6863244 1 380 POLYGRAM
Matrixcode Seite 2: 058X 824054 1 1 380 POLYGRAM
1: The World Is My Oyster (Including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: The Power Of Love - 00:00
4: Fury - 00:00
5: Born To Run - 00:00
6: San José - 00:00
7: Wish The Lads Were Here inc. The Ballad Of 32 - 00:00
 LP/509: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Blue / Green) - Grossbritannien - 2021 - ZTT Records - 3578516 -
2LP. blue and green vinyl 100th anniversay of HMV

Matrixcode Seite 1: 0824220 F 212899E1/A 0824220-A
Matrixcode Seite 2: 0824220 G 212899E2/A1 Greg@FT 0824220-B
Matrixcode Seite 3: 0824220 T 212899E3/A 0824220-C
Matrixcode Seite 4: 0824220 H 0824220-D 212899E4/A1 Greg@FT
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: San Jose (the way) - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: Bang... - 00:00
16: Black Night White Light - 00:00
17: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
18: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
19: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
20: The Power Of Love - 00:00
21: bang... - 00:00
 LP/164: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - NEAT1 - -
2LP Picture Disc

Matrixcode Seite 2: NEAT+1/1+B TOWNHOUSE ORLAKE
Matrixcode Seite 1: NEAT-1/1+A TOWNHOUSE ORLAKE
Matrixcode Seite 3: NEAT-1/2+A TOWNHOUSE ORLAKE
Matrixcode Seite 4: NEAT-1/2+B TOWNHOUSE ORLAKE
1: The World Is My Oyster (Including Well, Snatch Of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: bang... - 00:00
 LP/337: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (White Vinyl) - Grossbritannien - 2016 - Salvo Music - SALVOPV009 - 4050538240283
Exclusive white vinyl available in Sainsbury's stores in the UK.

Matrixcode Seite 1: 121636E1/A
Matrixcode Seite 2: 121636E2/B
Matrixcode Seite 3: 121636E3/A
Matrixcode Seite 4: 121636E4/B
1: The World Is My Oyster (Including Well, Snatch Of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: bang... - 00:00
 LP/148: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTTIQ1 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTTIQ 11 A-2-1-2-13 D
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTTIQ 11 B-1-1-2-12 D
Matrixcode Seite 3: ZTTIQ 12 A-1-1-1-1 D
Matrixcode Seite 4: ZTTIQ 12 B-1-1-1-12 D
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: San Jose (the way) - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: Bang... - 00:00
16: Black Night White Light - 00:00
17: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
18: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
19: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
20: The Power Of Love - 00:00
21: bang... - 00:00
 LP/247: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Japan - 1984 - Polystar - 19SI-256-7 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: 1x9-256B 11x2*
Matrixcode Seite 4: 1x9xSI-257B 111****
Matrixcode Seite 1: V $B 1x9x-SI-256A 112** A D
Matrixcode Seite 3: V $B 1x9xSI-257-A 111*** A B D
1: The World Is My Oyster (Including Well, Snatch Of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (Come Fighting) - 00:00
4: War (And Hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (For The Victims Of Ravishment) - 00:00
6: Tag (Orgasm) - 00:00
7: Ferry (Go) - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (The Way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
12: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
13: Black Night White Light - 00:00
14: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
15: The Power Of Love - 00:00
16: bang... - 00:00
 LP/224: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Jugoslawien - 1984 - Jugoton - LSI 79009/10 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: LSI 79009-A 15 01 85 SB
Matrixcode Seite 2: LSI 79009-B 15 01 85 SB
Matrixcode Seite 3: LSI 79010 A 15 01 84 SB
Matrixcode Seite 4: LSI 79010 B 15 01 85 SB
7: Ferry (go) - 00:00
8: Born To Run - 00:00
9: San Jose (the way) - 00:00
10: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
11: Two Tribes (for the victims of ravishment) - 00:00
12: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
13: War (and hide) - 00:00
14: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
15: Relax (come fighting) - 00:00
16: Black Night White Light - 00:00
17: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
18: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
19: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
20: The Power Of Love - 00:00
21: bang... - 00:00
 LP/226: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Südkorea - 1984 - island records - 829 90232-1-H - 07567902321
side 3 and 4 mislabeled

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-845583-A- I-I 829~1 STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-845584-A 1-3 829~2 * STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 3: ST-IL-845585-A I-I 1 829~4 * STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 4: ST-IL-845586-A I-I 2 829~3 STERLING
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (come fighting) - 00:00
4: War (and hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (for the victims of ravishment) - 00:00
6: Ferry (go) - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: San Jose (the way) - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: bang... - 00:00
 LP/241: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - USA - 1984 - island records - 7 90232-1-H - 07567902321

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-845583-A 1-2 SPAR B-20347-A ^8349 STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-845584-A 1-2 SPAR B-20348 0-^8349-X * STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 3: ST-IL-845585-A 1-2 SPAR B-20349 ^8350 * STERLING 0-SMI-1
Matrixcode Seite 4: ST-IL-845586-A 1-2 SPAR STERLING 0-^8350-X B-20350
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (come fighting) - 00:00
4: War (and hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (for the victims of ravishment) - 00:00
6: Ferry (go) - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: San Jose (the way) - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: bang... - 00:00
 LP/385: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Venezuela - 1984 - island records - 7515 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: NW-LR-7515-1-A PACO AUDIOMATRICES
Matrixcode Seite 2: NW-LR-7515-1-B PACO AUDIOMATRICES
Matrixcode Seite 3: NW-LR-7515-2-A PACO AUDIOMATRICES
Matrixcode Seite 4: NW-LR-7515-2-B PACO AUDIOMATRICES
1: The World Is My Oyster (including Well, Snatch of Fury) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - 00:00
3: Relax (come fighting) - 00:00
4: War (and hide) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (for the victims of ravishment) - 00:00
6: Ferry (go) - 00:00
7: Born To Run - 00:00
8: San Jose (the way) - 00:00
9: Wish (The Lads Were Here) - 00:00
10: The Ballad of 32 - 00:00
11: Krisco Kisses - 00:00
12: Black Night White Light - 00:00
13: The Only Star In Heaven - 00:00
14: The Power Of Love - 00:00
15: bang... - 00:00
The Power Of Love
 MCD/26: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Deutschland - 1984 - island records - 663 874-211 - 4007196638747

Matrixcode CD: SONNOPRESS 663874 A
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:28
2: The World Is My Oyster - 02:47
3: Scrapped And Trapped - 04:39
4: Holier Than Thou Are - 04:27
 MCD/595: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Deutschland - 1990 - island records - 663 935-211 - 4007196639355

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 663935 A
1: The Power Of Love - 05:30
2: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:30
 MCD/731: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Grossbritannien - 2008 - ZTT Records - ZTT202CD - 5055041836021

Matrixcode CD: | ZTT202CD | ZTT RECORDS |020558 |
1: The Power Of Love - 05:30
2: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:30
 MX/1575: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Australien - 1985 - ZTT Records - X 14152 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX-63617 W2C 7:29
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX-63618 W2C2 11:54
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:28
2: The World Is My Oyster (Scrapped) - 01:38
3: Houlier Than Thou (The First) - 01:08
4: The World Is My Oyster (Trapped) - 02:29
5: Houlier Than Thou (The Second) - 04:10
6: The Power Of Love (Instrumental) - 02:27
 MX/1644: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Australien - 1985 - ZTT Records - X 14152 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX-63617 U2A
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX-63618 U2A
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:28
2: The World Is My Oyster (Scrapped) - 01:38
3: Houlier Than Thou (The First) - 01:08
4: The World Is My Oyster (Trapped) - 02:29
5: Houlier Than Thou (The Second) - 04:10
6: The Power Of Love (Instrumental) - 02:27
 MX/1237: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Deutschland - 1984 - island records - 601 618-213 (12ZTAS5) - 4007196016187

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 601618 A-1/84S I II
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 601618 B-1/84S I II
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:28
2: The World Is My Oyster (Scrapped) - 01:38
3: Houlier Than Thou (The First) - 01:08
4: The World Is My Oyster (Trapped) - 02:29
5: Houlier Than Thou (The Second) - 04:10
6: The Power Of Love (Instrumental) - 02:27
 MX/590: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Deutschland - 1984 - island records - 613 874-213 (12ZTAS5) - 4007196138742

Matrixcode Seite 1: 011 DM613874 A-1
Matrixcode Seite 2: 011 DM613874 B-1
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:28
2: The World Is My Oyster (Scrapped) - 01:38
3: Houlier Than Thou (The First) - 01:08
4: The World Is My Oyster (Trapped) - 02:29
5: Houlier Than Thou (The Second) - 04:10
6: The Power Of Love (Instrumental) - 02:27
 MX/1607: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Deutschland - 1984 - ZTT Records - 860 214-970 - -
stickered UK release, incl. 5 photos

Matrixcode Seite 1: XZTAS 5 A1-U-1-3 TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: XZTAS 5 B1-U-1-2- TOWNHOUSE
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
3: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Pleasure Fix) - 00:00
4: The Only Star In Heaven (Star Fix) - 00:00
 MX/1288: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - 12PZTAS5 - -
Picture Disc

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12+PZTAS+5+A CPC+SRT TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12+PZTAS+5+B CPC+SRT TOWNHOUSE
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:30
2: The World Is My Oyster - 02:47
3: Scrapped And Trapped - 04:39
4: Holier Than Thou - 04:27
5: The Power Of Love (Instrumental) - 00:00
 MX/1379: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - 12PZTAS5 - -
picture disc

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12+PZTAS+5+A CPC+SRT TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12+PZTAS+5+B CPC+SRT TOWNHOUSE
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:28
2: The World Is My Oyster - 02:47
3: Scrapped And Trapped - 04:39
4: Holier Than Thou - 04:27
5: The Power Of Love (Instrumental) - 00:00
 MX/1192: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS5 - -
in hearts envelope

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 5 5 A-2U-1-1-4 TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 5 5 B-2U-1-1-3 TOWNHOUSE
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster (Scrapped) - 00:00
3: Houlier Than Thou (The First) - 00:00
4: The World Is My Oyster (Trapped) - 00:00
5: Houlier Than Thou (The Second) - 00:00
6: The Power Of Love (Instrumental) - 00:00
 MX/1384: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS5 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 5 A-2U-1-3-1C TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 5 B-3U-1-4 TOWNHOUSE
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:28
2: The World Is My Oyster (Scrapped) - 01:38
3: Houlier Than Thou (The First) - 01:08
4: The World Is My Oyster (Trapped) - 02:29
5: Houlier Than Thou (The Second) - 04:10
6: The Power Of Love (Instrumental) - 02:27
 MX/1253: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - XZTAS5 - -
incl. 5 picture cards

Matrixcode Seite 1: XZTAS 5 A-1U-1-1-X1 TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: XZTAS 5 B-1U-1-1-1 TOWNHOUSE
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
3: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Pleasure Fix) - 00:00
4: The Only Star In Heaven (Star Fix) - 00:00
 MX/1252: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS5DJ - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS-5 DJ - A2 MT.I Jonz DAMONT
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS-5-DJ - B2 MT.I Soundclinic DAMONT -
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 MX/1454: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Japan - 1985 - Polystar - 13SI-276 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: 13SI-276B 1 1 1 * *
Matrixcode Seite 1: G V SB 13SI-276A 1 1 1 * * A
1: The Power Of Love (Extended Version) - 09:28
2: The World Is My Oyster (Scrapped) - 02:18
3: Houlier Than Thou (The First) - 01:48
4: The World Is My Oyster (Trapped) - 03:49
5: Houlier Than Thou (The Second) - 06:50
6: The Power Of Love (Instrumental) - 03:47
 MX/1447: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Japan - 1984 - Polystar - 18SI-278 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: 18SI-278B 111**
Matrixcode Seite 1: V $B 18SI-278A 111* B
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
3: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Pleasure Fix) - 00:00
4: The Only Star In Heaven (Star Fix) - 00:00
 S/457: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Australien - 1984 - island records - K-9537 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX-62991 U2A 2 5:27
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX-62992 U2A 2 4:13
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 S/473: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Australien - 1984 - island records - K-9537 - -
Festival Records cover different labels

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX-62991 URA 5.27
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX-62992 URA 2 4.13
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 S/516: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Australien - 1984 - island records - K-9537 - -
giant 45 sleeve, festival labels

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX-62991 URA 5:27
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX-62992 URA 4:13
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 S/506: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Deutschland - 1984 - island records - 107007-100 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 107007 A-3/84 s II ||
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 107007 B-1/84 s I ||
1: The Power Of Love - 05:21
2: The World Is My Oyster - 04:13
 S/389: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - PZTAS5 - -
Picture Disc

1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 S/401: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS5 - -
limited hearts and crosses evelope

Matrixcode Seite 1: TOWNHOUSE ZTAS 5 A-1U-1-1 _ 1 0
Matrixcode Seite 2: TOWNHOUSE ZTAS 5 B-2U-1-1-1 2
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 S/407: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - ZTAS5 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS5 A-1U-1-1 22 TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS5 B-1U-1-2-17
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 S/452: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Japan - 1984 - Polystar - 7SI-127 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: 7SI-127B 1 1 1 *
Matrixcode Seite 1: V B 7SI-127A 1 1 1 * X
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 S/498: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love (Promo) - Peru - 1984 - island records - F-ISL 0107007.8 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: F-ISL- 0107007.8-A-
Matrixcode Seite 2: F-ISL- 010700-8-B-
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 S/639: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love - Spanien - 1984 - island records - A 107007 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A·107.007·A·2N³
Matrixcode Seite 2: A·107.007·B·IN³
1: The Power Of Love - 00:00
2: The World Is My Oyster - 00:00
 S/587: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love (Promo) - USA - 1984 - island records - PR686 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-PR-686-A-I I-I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-PR-686-B-I I-I STERLING
1: The Power Of Love - 05:21
2: The World Is My Oyster - 04:13
Welcome To The Pleasuredome
 LP/185: Hot Tracks - Series 4 - Issue 5 - USA - 1985 - Hot Tracks - SA 4-5 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A SA 4-5 A1 20810
Matrixcode Seite 2: A SA 4-5 B1 20811
Matrixcode Seite 3: A SA 4-5 C1 208 20812
Matrixcode Seite 4: A WK 1 A1 (SA 4-5-D) 20813(2)
1: Dangerous (Hot Tracks Remix) / Natalie Cole - 10:10
2: Teasers (Medley) / Various Artists - 06:55
3: Love Is Like An Itchin' In My Heart (Hot Tracks Remix) / Lisa - 08:32
4: Welcome To Pleasuredome (Hot Tracks Mix) / Frankie Goes To Hollywood - 08:04
5: Baby Come And Get It (Hot Tracks Remix) / Pointer Sisters - 07:56
6: Walk Away Satisfied (Hot Tracks Remix) / Zino feat. Jayne Edwards - 05:40
 MX/1643: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Australien - 1984 - island records - X-14161 - -
Limited edition

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX65383 P2A 9:40
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX65384 P2A 4:09-4:54
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Real Altered) - 09:34
3: Happy Hi! - 04:04
4: Relax (International) - 04:51
 MX/1484: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Australien - 1985 - island records - X-14178 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX 65447 P2A 12:32
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX 65448 P2A 11:41
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Fruitness) - 00:00
2: Get It On - 00:00
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
4: Born To Run - 00:00
 MX/1236: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1984 - island records - 601 732-213 (12ZTAS7) - 4007196017320

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 601732 A-2/85S I III
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 601732 B-2/85S I
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Real Altered) - 00:00
2: Get It On (unknown version) - 00:00
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
4: Relax (International) - 00:00
 MX/945: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - 12XZTAS7 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 X ZTAS 7 A-2-U-1-1 1
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 X ZTAS 7 B-2U-1-1 1
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Fruitness) - 00:00
2: Get It On - 00:00
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
4: Born To Run - 00:00
 MX/1244: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS7 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 7 A-6U-1-3 TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 7 B-1U-1-1-1
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Real Altered) - 00:00
2: Get It On (Longer Version) - 03:28
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
4: Relax (International) - 00:00
 MX/1656: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS7 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 7 A-5U-1-1- TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 7 B-2U-1-1-
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Real Altered) - 00:00
2: Get It On (Longer Version) - 03:28
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
4: Relax (International) - 00:00
 MX/1246: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Promo) - Grossbritannien - 1984 - ZTT Records - FGTH 1 - -

1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Pleasure Fix) - 00:00
2: The Only Star In Heaven (Star Fix) - 00:00
 MX/1409: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Japan - 1984 - island records - 15SI-281 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 15SI-281A 111* B
Matrixcode Seite 2: 15SI-281B 111 *
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Real Altered) - 00:00
2: Get It On (Shorter Version) - 00:00
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
4: Relax (International) - 00:00
 MX/214: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Kanada - 1984 - island records - IS 1023 (12ZTAS7) -

Matrixcode Seite 1: IS 1023-A CR TLC-A
Matrixcode Seite 2: IS 1023-B CR
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Real Altered) - 00:00
2: Get It On (Shorter Version) - 00:00
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
4: Relax (International) - 00:00
 MX/1297: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - USA - 1984 - island records - 0-96889 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-47606-2 o B-20959-2 SLM ^9258 * STERLING I-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-DM-47607-47608-47609-2 o B-20960-2 SLM ^9259 I-I * STERLING
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Real Altered) - 00:00
2: Get It On (version unknown) - 00:00
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
4: Relax (International) - 00:00
 MX/1006: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Trevor Horn Remix) (Promo) - USA - 1985 - island records - DMD 830 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-47606-1
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-DM-47610-47609-1
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Trevor Horn Remix) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Urban Remix) - 00:00
3: Relax (International Edit) (Live) - 00:00
 MX/1220: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Promo) - USA - 1985 - island records - PR 706 - -
clear vinyl BANG! sticker

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-P̶R̶ DM-47510-1 I I
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-PR-47493-47511-1 I I
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Trevor Horn Remix Edi - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Kzap Edit) - 00:00
3: Relax (International Edit) - 00:00
 MX/1605: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Promo) - USA - 1985 - island records - PR 706 - -
Clear Vinyl "Kzap Edit" not mentioned on label with press sheet

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-PR-47510-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-PR-47493-47511-I
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Trevor Horn Remix Edit) - 00:00
2: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Kzap Edit) - 00:00
3: Relax (International Edit) - 00:00
 MX/1275: Hot Tracks - Series 4 - Issue 5 - USA - 1985 - Hot Tracks - SA 4-5 - -
Side C / D only

Matrixcode Seite 3: A SA 4-5 C1 208 20812
Matrixcode Seite 4: A WK I A (SA4-5-D) 20813(2)
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Hot Tracks Mix) / Frankie Goes To Hollywood - 08:04
2: Baby Come And Get It (Hot Tracks Mix) / Pointer Sisters - 07:56
3: Walk Away Satisfied (Hot Tracks Mix) / Zino featuring Jane Edwards - 05:40
 S/588: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Australien - 1985 - island records - K 9631 - -
Limited Edition

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX63457 P2A 4:20
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX63458 P2A H 4:05
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 04:23
3: Happy Hi! - 04:04
 S/661: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Deutschland - 1985 - island records - 107199-100 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 107199 A-2/85S I II
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 107199 B-1/85S I IV
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 04:20
2: Get It On (Shorter) - 02:32
3: Happy Hi! - 04:04
 S/385: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - PZTAS7 - -
Picture Disc

Matrixcode Seite 2: PZTAS 7 B1
Matrixcode Seite 1: PZTAS+7+A SOUND CLINIC SRT
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Alternative Reel) - 05:05
2: Get It On (Shorter) - 02:31
3: Happy Hi - 04:04
 S/409: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - ZTAS7 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 7 A-1U-1-1-1
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS 7 B-2U-1-2-1
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 04:23
2: Get It On (Longer) - 03:28
3: Happy Hi! (Fade) - 03:47
 S/417: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Grossbritannien - 1985 - ZTT Records - ZTAS7 - -
"Video Mix"

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS7 A-8U-1-1 1
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS7 B-2U-1-3 1 10
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Alternative Reel) - 05:05
2: Get It On (Longer) - 03:28
3: Happy Hi! (Fade) - 03:47
 S/493: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Japan - 1985 - island records - 7SI-130 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: V 〄Ⓑ 7SY̶ I-130A 111⊹ D
Matrixcode Seite 2: 7SI-130B 111⊹
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 00:00
2: Get It On (Shorter) - 00:00
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
 S/509: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Promo) - Japan - 1985 - island records - 7SI-130 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: V 〄Ⓑ 7SY̶ I-130A 111⊹ D
Matrixcode Seite 2: 7SI-130B 111⊹
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 00:00
2: Get It On (Shorter) - 00:00
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
 S/1081: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Japan - 1985 - island records - 7SI-130 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: 7SI-130B 111⊹
Matrixcode Seite 1: V 〄Ⓑ 7SY̶ I-130A 111⊹ D
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 00:00
2: Get It On (Shorter) - 00:00
3: Happy Hi! - 00:00
 S/637: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - Spanien - 1985 - island records - A 107199 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A·107.199·A·IN³
Matrixcode Seite 2: A·107.199·B·IN³
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 04:23
2: Get It On (Longer) - 03:28
3: Happy Hi! (Fade) - 03:47
 S/284: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Promo) - USA - 1985 - island records - 7-99653 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-47604-1
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-47605-1
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 00:00
2: Relax (International) (Edit) - 00:00
 S/434: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - USA - 1985 - island records - 7-99653 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-47604-2 o R-14147-2 SLM ^9261 I-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-47605-2 o R-14148-2 SLM ^9261-X I-I
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 00:00
2: Relax (International) (Edit) - 00:00
 S/531: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Promo) - USA - 1985 - island records - 7-99653 - -
blue labels labeled "Trevor Horn Remix"

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-47604-2 o R-14147-2 SLM STERLING ^9261 I-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-47605.2 o R-14148-2 SLM ^9261-1-X I-I * STERLING
1: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Altered Real) - 00:00
2: Relax (International) (Edit) - 00:00
 CD/383: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - BANG! - Japan - 1987 - Polystar - P33D-20017 - 4988023000534
obi missing

Matrixcode CD: P33D-20017-V2E I I
1: War (Hidden) - 00:00
2: Relax (US Mix) - 00:00
3: Black Night White Light - 00:00
4: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Tribal/Urban Mix) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (Hibakusha Mix) - 00:00
6: The Power Of Love - 00:00
 CD/474: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - BANG! - Japan - 1987 - Polystar - P33D-20017 - 4988023000534
with sticker OBI

Matrixcode CD: P33D-20017 - T1 E 1 2
1: War (Hidden) - 00:00
2: Relax (US Mix) - 00:00
3: Black Night White Light - 00:00
4: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Tribal/Urban Mix) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (Hibakusha Mix) - 00:00
6: The Power Of Love - 00:00
 CD/1040: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - BANG! - Japan - 1987 - Polystar - P33D-20017 - 4988023000534
later release, different obi

Matrixcode CD: P33D-20017-A3 E 10
1: War (Hidden) - 00:00
2: Relax (US Mix) - 00:00
3: Black Night White Light - 00:00
4: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Tribal/Urban Mix) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (Hibakusha Mix) - 00:00
6: The Power Of Love - 00:00
 CD/1036: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - BANG! - Japan - 1991 - Polystar - PSCD-1177 - 4988023016689

Matrixcode CD: P33D-20017-A4F 1 V
1: War (Hidden) - 00:00
2: Relax (US Mix) - 00:00
3: Black Night White Light - 00:00
4: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Tribal/Urban Mix) - 00:00
5: Two Tribes (Hibakusha Mix) - 00:00
6: The Power Of Love - 00:00
 LP/173: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - BANG! - Japan - 1985 - Polystar - R25D-2001 - -
OBI missing

Matrixcode Seite 1: P25D-2001A 1 1 1 ** G
Matrixcode Seite 2: P25D-2001B 1 1 1 **
1: War (Hidden) - 08:33
2: Relax (US Mix) - 07:23
3: Black Night White Light - 04:04
4: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Urban Mix) - 08:05
5: Two Tribes (Hibakusha Mix) - 06:35
6: The Power Of Love - 05:28
 LP/565: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - BANG! (Promo) - Japan - 1985 - Polystar - R25D-2001 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: P25D-2001A 1 1 1 ** G
Matrixcode Seite 2: P25D-2001B 1 1 1 **
1: War (Hidden) - 08:33
2: Relax (US Mix) - 07:23
3: Black Night White Light - 04:04
4: Welcome To The Pleasuredome (Urban Mix) - 08:05
5: Two Tribes (Hibakusha Mix) - 06:35
6: The Power Of Love - 05:28
Rage Hard
 MCD/308: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - Deutschland - 1989 - island records - 658 434 -

1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Suff - 00:00
 MCD/316: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+ ++ *) - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 658663-222 (ZCID22) - 4007196586635

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 658663 / 658663 A
1: Rage Hard (+ ++ *) - 00:00
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Little Mind - 00:00
3: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
4: Roadhouse Blues - 00:00
 MCD/516: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+ ++ *) - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZCID22 - -

1: Rage Hard (+ ++ *) - 00:00
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Little Mind - 00:00
3: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
4: Roadhouse Blues - 00:00
 MX/1520: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) (Promo) - Argentinien - 1986 - island records - TLP-50368 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 608.434/A
Matrixcode Seite 2: 608.434-B-
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Suff - 00:00
 MX/1579: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - Australien - 1986 - island records - X14327 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX 67043 R2A 12:09
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX 67044 R2A 10:13 AP
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Suff - 00:00
 MX/118: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 608 434-213 (12ZTAS22) - 4007196084346

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 608434 A-1/8-86 II
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 608434 B-1/8-86 II
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Suff - 00:00
 MX/1463: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 608 434-213 (12ZTAS22) - 4007196084346

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 608434 A-1/8-86 I
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 608434 B-1/8-86 II
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Suff - 00:00
 MX/127: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (++) - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 608 595-213 (12ZTAX22) - 4007196085954

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 608595 A-1/9-86 II
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 608595 B-1/9-86 II
1: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
2: Rage Hard (++) - 00:00
3: Roadhouse Blues - 00:00
 MX/1022: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 608434-213 (12ZTAS22) - 4007196084346

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 608434 A-1/8-86 II
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 608434 B-1/8-86 II
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) In Your Little Mind - 00:00
 MX/1597: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+ ++ *) (Purple) - EU - 2016 - Music On Vinyl - MOV12005 - 8719262000582
RSD 2016, purple vinyl, numbered limited edition #226

Matrixcode Seite 1: 15057-1A MOV12005
Matrixcode Seite 1: 15057-1B MOV1200X5
1: Rage Hard (+ ++ *) - 00:00
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
3: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
 MX/1299: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (++) - Griechenland - 1986 - island records - VG4007Z - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12ZTAX 22 A
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12ZTAX 22 B
1: Rage Hard (++) - 00:00
2: Roadhouse Blues - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
 MX/1332: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAQ22 - -
limited edition with poster

Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 22 B-2U-1-1- D
Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 22A-2U-1-1 1 BUNDA TAPEZ
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Suff - 00:00
 MX/1269: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS22 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12ZTAS 22 A-3U-1-1-
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12ZTAS 22 B-2U-1-2- D
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Suff - 00:00
 MX/1268: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (++) - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAX22 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12ZTAX 22 A-1U-1-1- D
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12ZTAX 22 B-1U-1-1- D
1: Rage Hard (++) - 00:00
2: Roadhouse Blues - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
 MX/1451: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - Italien - 1986 - island records - ZTASX 22 (12ZTAS22) - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTASX 22 A
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTASX 22 B
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Suff - 00:00
 MX/1487: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - Japan - 1986 - island records - R15D-2044 - 4988023001135

Matrixcode Seite 1: V R15D-2044A 1 2 1 * + U
Matrixcode Seite 2: R15D-2044B 1 1 1 +
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
 MX/1382: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (+) - USA - 1986 - island records - 0-96806 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-DM-50208-2 O B-25180-2 ^14121 1-1 * STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: T-DM-50209-50210-2 O B-25181-2 ^14121-X 1-1 STERLING
1: Rage Hard (+) - 12:10
2: Suffragette City (Suffer In The City) - 00:00
3: (Don't Lose What's Left) In Your Little Mind - 00:00
 MX/1175: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Promo) - USA - 1986 - island records - DMD 987 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: STDM - 50741 - 50742 - 2 II
Matrixcode Seite 1: STDM - 50743 - I II
1: Rage Hard (Freddie Bastone Vocal Remix) - 00:00
2: Rage Hard (Freddie Bastone Vocal Remix / Edit) - 00:00
3: Rage Hard (Freddie Bastone Instrumental Remix / Du - 00:00
 MX/1346: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Promo) - USA - 1986 - island records - PR 945 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: STPR-50270-I I-I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 2: STPR-50270-I I-I STERLING
1: Rage Hard (Vocal Edit) - 00:00
2: Rage Hard (Vocal Edit) - 00:00
 S/489: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - Australien - 1986 - island records - K-51 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX 66583 P2A2 5:04 AP
Matrixcode seite 2: SMX 66584 P2A AP 4:11
1: Rage Hard - 00:00
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
 S/542: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Promo) - Australien - 1986 - island records - K-51 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX 66583 P2A 5:08 PA
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX 66584 P2A 4:11
1: Rage Hard - 08:25
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 06:43
 S/403: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 108 434 - 4007191084341
island and ZTT logo on the label

Matrixcode Seite 1: DS 108434 A-2/9-86
Matrixcode Seite 2: DS 108434 B-2/9-86
1: Rage Hard (Rage Rage) - 05:05
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 04:03
 S/1058: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 108 434 - 4007191084341
only island logo on the label

1: Rage Hard (Rage Rage) - 05:05
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 04:03
 S/285: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZTAS22 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 22 A-4U-1-1-X1 TOWNHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS 22 B-2U-1-1-X1 TOWNHOUSE
1: Rage Hard - 05:05
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 04:03
 S/378: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZTAX22 - -

1: Rage Hard (Stamped) - 04:55
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 04:03
 S/379: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZTAX22 - -

1: Rage Hard (Stamped) - 04:55
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 04:03
 S/380: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Limited - Pop Up Fist) - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZTD22 - -

1: Rage Hard - 00:00
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
 S/524: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - Italien - 1986 - Dischi Ricordi - ZTAS22 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 22 - A
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS 22 B
1: Rage Hard - 00:00
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
 S/418: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Promo) - Japan - 1986 - Polystar - D07D-2013 - 4988023001128

Matrixcode Seite 1: D07D-2013A 1 1 1 :: D V
Matrixcode Seite 2: D07D-2013B 1 1 1 :: D
1: Rage Hard - 00:00
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
 S/497: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - Japan - 1986 - Polystar - D07D-2013 - 4988023001128

Matrixcode Seite 2: D07D-2013B 111*
Matrixcode Seite 1: V $ D07D-2013A 111*
1: Rage Hard - 00:00
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
 S/492: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Promo) - Spanien - 1986 - island records - A 108434 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A-108434 A IN³ - DM
Matrixcode Seite 2: A-108535-B IN³ - DM
1: Rage Hard - 05:01
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 04:09
 S/636: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Promo) - Spanien - 1986 - island - A 108434 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A-108434 A-IN³ -DM-
Matrixcode Seite 2: A-108434 B-IN³ -DM-
1: Rage Hard - 05:05
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 04:03
 S/640: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - Spanien - 1986 - island - A 108434 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A-108.434-A IN³ -DM-
Matrixcode Seite 2: A-108.434-B IN³ -DM-
1: Rage Hard - 05:05
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 04:03
 S/433: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard - USA - 1986 - island records - 7-99502 - -

Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-50267-1 I-I * STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-50270-1 I-I STERLING
1: Rage Hard (Vocal Edit) - 04:10
2: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 04:03
 S/470: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Promo) - USA - 1986 - island records - 7-99502 - -
double a-side

Matrixcode Seite 2: ST-IL-50270-1 I-I STERLING
Matrixcode Seite 1: ST-IL-50270-1 I-I STERLING
1: Rage Hard (Vocal Edit) - 00:00
2: Rage Hard (Vocal Edit) - 00:00
 S/474: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Promo) - USA - 1986 - island records - PR 976 - -
double a-side

Matrixcode Seite 1: STPR-50741-1 II
Matrixcode Seite 2: STPR-50741-2 II
1: Rage Hard (Freddie Bastone Vocal Remix / Edit) - 00:00
2: Rage Hard (Freddie Bastone Vocal Remix / Edit) - 00:00
 CD/1153: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Australien - 1994 - ZTT Records - 4509-94744-2 - 745099474423
Manufactured and distributed by Warner Music Australia on CD.

Matrixcode CD: 450994744-2 WME3
Mould SID Code: IFPI 2661
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
9: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Bonus) - 00:00
10: Suffragette City (Bonus) - 00:00
 CD/469: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 257896-217 - 4007192578962

Matrixcode CD: 257 896 C
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/481: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 257896-217 - 4007192578962
island masters release

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 257896 E1
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/482: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 257896-222 - 4007192578962

Matrixcode CD: 257 896 C (3)
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/479: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 4509-94744-2 - 745099474423

Matrixcode CD: 45094744-2 WME
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/803: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Deutschland - 2000 - Repertoire - REP4897 -
digipak missing

Matrixcode CD: A0100326197-0101 14 A0
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/1170: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - EU - 2020 - ZTT Records - 8242250 - 602508242250

Matrixcode CD: 0602508242250 A0103267183-0101 15 A00
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/787: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - EU - 2011 - Salvo Music - SALVOMDCD19 - 698458991928
"element 19"

Matrixcode CD1: | SALVOMDCD19/A | 046556 |
Matrixcode CD2: | SALVOMDCD19/B | *046941 |
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
9: The Waves - 00:00
10: Pamela - 00:00
11: Suffragette City - 00:00
12: Roadhouse Blues - 00:00
13: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
14: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
15: Rage Hard (Voiceless) - 00:00
21: Rage Hard (Montreux Mix) - 00:00
22: Warriors Of The Wasteland (Montreux Mix) - 00:00
23: Warriors (Cassetted) - 00:00
24: Wildlife (Cassetted) - 00:00
25: Our Silver Turns To Gold (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
26: Delirious (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
27: Stan - 00:00
28: For Heaven's Sake (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
 CD/1032: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool (withdrawn) - EU - 2011 - Salvo Music - SALVOMDCD19 - 698458991928
withdrawn release ("element 15") sealed

1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
9: The Waves - 00:00
10: Pamela - 00:00
11: Pocket Vibrator (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
12: Suffragette City - 00:00
13: Roadhouse Blues - 00:00
14: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
15: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind - 00:00
16: Rage Hard (Voiceless) - 00:00
21: Rage Hard (Montreux Mix) - 00:00
22: Warriors Of The Wasteland (Montreux Mix) - 00:00
23: Warriors (Cassetted) - 00:00
24: Drum Loop (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
25: F*** Off (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
26: Wildlife (Cassetted) - 00:00
27: Our Silver Turns To Gold (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
28: Delirious (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
29: Stan - 00:00
30: For Heaven's Sake (Monitor Mix) - 00:00
 CD/480: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - 842 356-2 IMCD 13 - 04228423562

Matrixcode CD: IMCD 13 10098291 02 % MADE IN U.K. BY PDO
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/472: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZCIDQ8 - -

Matrixcode CD: 257 896 C (UK)
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/473: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZTT107CD - 5030094023123

Matrixcode CD: 87726 ZTT107CD IMPRESS :1:1:1
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/1152: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Grossbritannien - 2000 - ZTT Records - ZTT158CD - 5018766992670
with bonus tracks

Matrixcode CD: NIMBUS D8126 ZTT 158 CD · 1:0
Mould SID Code: IFPI 2305
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L155
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
9: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (Bonus) - 00:00
10: Suffragette City (Bonus) - 00:00
 CD/1094: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Japan - 1986 - island records - P35D-20029 - 4988023001586

Matrixcode CD: P35D-20029-U1C13
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/920: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Japan - 1986 - island records - PSCD-1065 - 4988023012544

Matrixcode CD: PSCD-1065-A1F 1 I V
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/1093: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Japan - 1986 - wea - WPCR-17 - 4943674001729

Matrixcode CD: WPCR-17 P01
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
9: Two Tribes (Fluke's Moulimix) - 00:00
10: Two tribers (Teckno Prisoner feat. Adamski) - 00:00
11: Two Tribes (Legend Mix) - 00:00
12: Two Tribes (Work-Out Mix) - 00:00
 CD/1154: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Japan - 1986 - ZTT Records - WPCR-615 - 4943674061525

Matrixcode CD: WPCR-615 P01
Mould SID Code: IFPI 1804
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L713
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/886: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Japan - 2009 - ZTT Records - XECZ-1039 - 4580132732629

1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
9: Rage Hard (Live) - 00:00
10: Wathing The Wildlife (Die letzten Tage der Menschheit Mix) - 00:00
11: Warriors Of The Wasteland (Twelve Wild Disciplines Mix) - 00:00
12: (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind (12" Mix) - 00:00
 CD/487: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - USA - 1986 - island records - 7 90546-2 - 075679054623
CD made in Japan

Matrixcode CD: WEA-90546 1A2 6Y
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 CD/540: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - USA - 1986 - island records - 7 90546-2 - 075679054623
CD made in Japan

Matrixcode CD: WEA-90546 1A2 6Y
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 04:59
2: Rage Hard - 05:03
3: Kill The Pain - 06:17
4: Maximum Joy - 05:30
5: Watching The Wildlife - 04:19
6: Lunar Bay - 05:42
7: For Heaven's Sake - 04:30
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 07:24
 CD/900: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - USA - 1986 - Universal Music - UD-53197 - 601215319729

Matrixcode CD: UD53197 0550611906
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildlife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 LP/260: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Australien - 1986 - island records - RML53223 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX 67393 R2A2 JL
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX 67394 R2B JL
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildflife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 LP/254: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 207 896-630 - 4007192078967

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 207896 A-2/10-86
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 207896 B-1/10-86
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildflife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 LP/460: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - EU - 2020 - ZTT Records - 8242281 - 602508242281

Matrixcode Seite 1: 0824228-A 212893E1/A
Matrixcode Seite 2: 0824228-B 212893E2/A
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildflife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 LP/330: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool ("Silver Vinyl") - EU - 2016 - Music On Vinyl - MOVLP1565 - 8719262000193
Limited edition of 1000, #614. "Silver Vinyl"

Matrixcode Seite 1: 90054 A MOVLP 1565
Matrixcode Seite 2: 90054 B MOVLP 1565
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 04:53
2: Rage Hard - 05:01
3: Kill The Pain - 06:38
4: Maximum Joy - 05:54
5: Watching The Wildflife - 04:05
6: Lunar Bay - 05:45
7: For Heaven's Sake - 04:37
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 07:36
 LP/255: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZTTIQ8 - -
signed by Brian Nash, Marc O'Toole and Peter Gill

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTTIQ 8 A-2U-1-1-::1 D
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTTIQ 8 B-1U-1-1- D
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 04:53
2: Rage Hard - 05:01
3: Kill The Pain - 06:38
4: Maximum Joy - 05:54
5: Watching The Wildflife - 04:05
6: Lunar Bay - 05:45
7: For Heaven's Sake - 04:37
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 07:36
 LP/261: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Hong Kong - 1986 - island records - ZTTIQ8 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTTIQ 8 A
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTTIQ 8 B
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildflife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 LP/322: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Japan - 1986 - island records - R28D-2028 - S

Matrixcode Seite 1: V 〄 P28D-2049A 1 1 1 ⊹⊹ V
Matrixcode Seite 2: P28D-2049B 1 1 1 ⊹
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildflife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 LP/223: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Jugoslawien - 1986 - Jugoton - LSI 73183 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: LSI 73183 A 19 11 86 SB
Matrixcode Seite 2: LSI 73183 B 19 11 86 SB
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildflife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 LP/263: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Russland - 1988 - Melodija - C60 27789 005 - -
white labels

Matrixcode Seite 1: C60-27789/1-3 DMM
Matrixcode Seite 2: C60-27790/1-2 DMM
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildflife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 LP/275: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - Russland - 1989 - Melodija - C60 27789 005 - -
red labels

Matrixcode Seite 1: C60-27789/1-2 DMM
Matrixcode Seite 2: C60-27790/1-2 DMM
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildflife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 LP/225: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Liverpool - USA - 1986 - island records - 90546-1 - 075679054616

1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
2: Rage Hard - 00:00
3: Kill The Pain - 00:00
4: Maximum Joy - 00:00
5: Watching The Wildflife - 00:00
6: Lunar Bay - 00:00
7: For Heaven's Sake - 00:00
8: Is Anybody Out There? - 00:00
 MCD/520: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 658 720 - 4007196587205

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 658 720 A
1: Warriors (Compacted) - 00:00
 MCD/317: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZCID25 - -

Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS 658 720 A
1: Warriors (Compacted) - 00:00
 MX/1489: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors Of The Wasteland - Australien - 1986 - island records - X13273 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: SMX 66225 R2A JP 9:42
Matrixcode Seite 2: SMX 66226 R2A JL
1: Warriors (Twelve Wild Disciples Mix) - 00:00
2: Warriors (Instrumental) - 00:00
3: Warriors (Return) - 00:00
4: Warriors (End) - 00:00
 MX/332: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors Of The Wasteland - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 608 615 (12ZTAS25) -

1: Warriors (Twelve Wild Disciples Mix) - 00:00
2: Warriors (Instrumental) - 00:00
3: Warriors (Return) - 00:00
4: Warriors (End) - 00:00
 MX/989: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 608 748-213 (12ZTAX25) -

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 608748 A-1/11-86
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 608748 B-1/11-86
1: Warriors (Turn Of The Knife Mix) - 08:13
2: Warriors (Return) - 01:22
3: Warriors (End) - 03:29
4: Warriors (Instrumental) - 04:50
 MX/1235: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 608 748-213 (12ZTAX25) -

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 608748 A-1/11-86
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 608748 B-1/11-86
1: Warriors (Turn Of The Knife Mix) - 08:13
2: Warriors (Return) - 01:22
3: Warriors (End) - 03:29
4: Warriors (Instrumental) - 04:50
 MX/940: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors - Grossbritannien - 1987 - Zang Tuum Tumb Promotion - 12ZTAK25 -
Attack Re-Mix

1: Warriors (Attack) - 00:00
2: Warriors (Return) - 00:00
3: Warriors (End) - 00:00
4: Warriors (Instrumental) - 00:00
 MX/1245: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors Of The Wasteland - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS25 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAS 25 A-2-1-1- D
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 25 B-4-1-2- D
1: Warriors (Twelve Wild Disciples Mix) - 00:00
2: Warriors (Return) - 00:00
3: Warriors (End) - 00:00
4: Warriors (Instrumental) - 00:00
 MX/1272: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAX25 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAX 25 A-1-1-2 1-3 D
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAS 25 B-4-1-3-1 D
1: Warriors (Turn Of The Knife Mix) - 08:13
2: Warriors (Return) - 01:22
3: Warriors (End) - 03:29
4: Warriors (Instrumental) - 04:50
 MX/1476: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Promo) - Italien - 1986 - Dischi Ricordi - SRLM 2068 - .

Matrixcode Seite 1: SRLM 2068 A ^^
Matrixcode Seite 2: SRLM 2068 B
1: Sometimes / Erasure - 05:22
2: Love Me Too / Ambra Orfei - 00:00
3: World Shut Your Moth / Julian Cope - 04:35
4: Warriors Of The Wasteland (Twelve Wild Disciples Mix) - 00:00
 MX/1492: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors Of The Wasteland - Japan - 1986 - Polystar - R15D-2054 - 4988023001838

Matrixcode Seite 1: R15D-2054A 111+ II
Matrixcode Seite 2: R15D-2054B 111+
1: Warriors (Twelve Wild Disciples Mix) - 00:00
2: Warriors (Instrumental) - 00:00
3: Warriors (Return) - 00:00
4: Warriors (End) - 00:00
 MX/1274: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors Of The Wasteland - USA - 1986 - island records - 0-96799 - -

1: Warriors (Twelve Wild Disciples Mix) - 00:00
2: Warriors (Turn Of The Knife Mix) - 00:00
 MX/1338: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors Of The Wasteland (Promo) - USA - 1986 - island records - DMD 999 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: STDM-50934-1 X I-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: STDM-50935-1 X I-I
1: Warriors (Twelve Wild Disciples Mix) - 09:42
2: Warriors (Turn Of The Knife Mix) - 08:11
 MX/1350: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors Of The Wasteland (Promo) - USA - 1986 - island records - DMD 999 - -

1: Warriors (Twelve Wild Disciples Mix) - 00:00
2: Warriors (Turn Of The Knife Mix) - 00:00
 S/476: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - Deutschland - 1986 - island records - 108 615 - 4007108615

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM DS 108615 A-1/11-86 III
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM DS 108615 B-1/11-86 II
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 00:00
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
 S/662: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - EU - 1986 - island records - 108 615 - 4007108615
slightly different artwork

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM DS 108615 A-1/11-86
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM DS 108615 B-1/11-86 II
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 00:00
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
 S/410: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - Grossbritannien - 1986 - ZTT Records - ZTAS25 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 25 A-2-1-3-2 D NICKZ PENTHOUSE
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS 25 AA-3-1-2-X1 NICKZ PENTHOUSE D
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 03:55
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 05:01
 S/589: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - Italien - 1986 - island records - ZTAS 25 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: ZTAS 25/1 F-12-11-86-P
Matrixcode Seite 2: ZTAS 25/2 F-12-11-86-P
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 00:00
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
 S/494: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) (Promo) - Japan - 1986 - Polystar - D07D-2019 - 4988023001845

Matrixcode Seite 1: V 〄 D07D-2019A 1 1 1 ⊹ W
Matrixcode Seite 2: D07D-2019B 1 1 1 ⊹
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 03:57
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 05:02
 S/590: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - Japan - 1986 - Polystar - D07D-2019 - 4988023001845

Matrixcode Seite 1: V 〄 D07D-2019A 1 1 1 ⊹ W
Matrixcode Seite 2: D07D-2019B 1 1 1 ⊹
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 03:57
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 05:02
 S/660: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) (Promo) - Japan - 1986 - Polystar - D07D-2019 - 4988023001845

Matrixcode Seite 1: 〄 D07D-2019A 1 1 1 ⊹ W
Matrixcode Seite 2: D07D-2019B 1 1 1 ⊹
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 03:57
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 05:02
 S/511: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - Portugal - 1986 - island records - 108 615 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 108615.A1 29.1.87 ISLAND FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD
Matrixcode Seite 2: 108615.B1 29.1.87 ISLAND FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 00:00
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 00:00
 S/582: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) (Promo) - Spanien - 1986 - island records - A 108 615 - .

Matrixcode Seite 1: A 108615 A IN³ DM
Matrixcode Seite 2: A 108615 B IN³ DM
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 03:55
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 05:01
 S/638: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - Spanien - 1986 - island records - A 108615 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: A·108615·A·IN³ DM
Matrixcode Seite 2: A·108615·B·IN³ DM
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 03:55
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 05:01
 S/475: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors - USA - 1986 - island records - 7-99486 - .
double a-side

Matrixcode Seite 1: STIL-50936-1 I-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: STIL-50936-1 I-I
1: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 03:54
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 03:54
 S/514: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - USA - 1986 - island records - 7-99486 - -

Matrixcode Seite 1: STIL-50936-I I-I
Matrixcode Seite 2: STIL-50937-I I-I
1: Warriors (Of The Wasteland) - 03:54
2: Warriors Of The Wasteland - 05:00
Watching The Wildlife
 MCD/430: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Watching The Wildlife - Deutschland - 2002 - Repertoire - REP 4973A - -

Matrixcode CD: A0100434633-0101 11 B1
1: Watching The Wildlife (Animal Lust) - 03:50
2: The Waves (Animal Fat) - 02:56
3: Watching The Wildlife (Hotter) - 09:06
4: Watching The Wildlife (Voiceless) - 05:10
 MX/1234: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Watching The Wildlife - Deutschland - 1987 - island records - 608 823 (12ZTAS26) - 4007196088238

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 608823 A-1/2-87
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 608823 B-1/2-87
1: Watching The Wildlife (Hotter) - 09:09
2: Watching The Wildlife (Voiceless) - 05:03
3: The Waves - 03:01
 MX/1270: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Watching The Wildlife (Movement 2) - Deutschland - 1987 - island records - 609 035-213 (12ZTAX26) - 4007196090354

Matrixcode Seite 1: DM 609035 A-1/3-87
Matrixcode Seite 2: DM 609035 B-1/3-87 II
1: Watching The Wildlife (Movement 2) - 07:14
2: Watching The Wildlife (Bit 3) - 06:26
3: Watching The Wildlife (Bit 4) - 04:26
4: The Waves - 03:02
 MX/977: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Watching The Wildlife (Beobachtung im wilden Leben - Grossbritannien - 1987 - island records - 12 ZTE 26 -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTE 26 A-1U-1-1 TOWN HOUSE DMM D
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTE 26 B-1U-1-2
1: Watching The Wildlife (Die Letzten Tage der Mensch - 00:00
2: Watching The Wildlife (Bit 1) - 00:00
3: Watching The Wildlife (Bit 2) - 00:00
4: Watching The Wildlife (Voiceless) - 00:00
 MX/353: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Watching The Wildlife - Grossbritannien - 1987 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAS26 -

1: Watching The Wildlife (Hotter) - 09:09
2: Watching The Wildlife (Voiceless) - 05:03
3: The Waves - 03:01
 MX/976: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Watching The Wildlife (Movement 2) - Grossbritannien - 1987 - ZTT Records - 12ZTAX26 -

Matrixcode Seite 1: 12 ZTAX 26 A-1U-1-1-| TOWN HOUSE DMM DD
Matrixcode Seite 2: 12 ZTAX 26 B-1U-1-1-| TOWN HOUSE DMM D
1: Watching The Wildlife (Movement 2) - 07:14
2: Watching The Wildlife (Bit 3) - 06:26
3: Watching The Wildlife (Bit 4) - 04:26
4: The Waves - 03:02
 MX/1567: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Watching The Wildlife - Japan - 1987 - island records - R15D-2065 - 4988023002101

Matrixcode Seite 1: V R15D-2065A 1 1 1 * C
Matrixcode Seite 2: R15D-2065B 1 2 1 *
1: Watching The Wildlife (Hotter) - 09:09
2: Watching The Wildlife (Voiceless) - 05:03
3: The Waves - 03:01
 S/490: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Watching The Wildlife - Australien - 1987 - island - K-216 - 4007191088233