Kraftwerk |
DVD/47: Kraftwerk - 3-D - The Catalogue - EU - 2017 - Parlophone - 0190295924959 - 01902959249594 BluRay Boxset 2D+3DMatrixcode BD1: EH69131-01 0190295924959 optimal media GmbH L0 / EH69131-01 0190295924959 optimal media GmbH L1Matrixcode BD2: EH71282-01 0190295924959 optimal media GmbH L0 / EH71282-01 0190295924959 optimal media GmbH L1Matrixcode BD3: EH69131-03 0190295924959 optimal media GmbH L0 / EH69131-03 0190295924959 optimal media GmbH L1Matrixcode BD4: EH69131-04 0190295924959 optimal media GmbH L0 / EH69131-04 0190295924959 optimal media GmbH L11: Autobahn - 00:002: Kometenmelodie 1 - 00:003: Kometenmelodie 2 - 00:004: Mitternacht - 00:005: Morgenspaziergang - 00:006: Geiger Counter - 00:007: Radioactivity - 00:008: Radioland - 00:009: Intermission - 00:0010: News - 00:0011: Air Waves - 00:0012: The Voice Of Energy - 00:0013: Antenna - 00:0014: Radio Stars - 00:0015: Uranium - 00:0016: Transistor - 00:0017: Ohm Sweet Ohm - 00:0018: Trans Europe Express - 00:0019: Metal On Metal - 00:0020: Abzug - 00:0021: Showroom Dummies - 00:0022: Franz Schubert - 00:0023: Europe Endless - 00:0024: The Hall Of Mirrors - 00:0025: The Man-Machine - 00:0026: Spacelab - 00:0027: Metropolis - 00:0028: The Model - 00:0029: Neon Lights - 00:0030: The Robots - 00:0031: Numbers - 00:0032: Computerworld - 00:0033: It's More Fun To Compute - 00:0034: Home Computer - 00:0035: Computerlove - 00:0036: Pocket Calculator - 00:0037: Detaku - 00:0038: Boing Boom Tschak - 00:0039: Techno Pop - 00:0040: Music Non Stop - 00:0041: Electric Cafe - 00:0042: The Telephone Call - 00:0043: House Phone - 00:0044: Sex Object - 00:0045: Planet of Visions - 00:0046: Toure de France - 00:0047: Prologue - 00:0048: Etape 1 - 00:0049: Chrono - 00:0050: Etape 2 - 00:0051: Elektro Kardiogramm - 00:0052: Aero Dynamik - 00:0053: Vitamin - 00:0054: La Forme - 00:0055: Regeneration - 00:00 |
LP/446: Kraftwerk - Autobahn (Blue) - EU - 2020 - Klingklang - 50999 66014 1 9 - 190295272432Spezial Edition Farbiges Vinyl
Blue Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: STUMM303 3= B-977395-01 A2 NSMatrixcode Seite 2: STUMM303 B-977395-01 B2 v l Ʇ1: Autobahn - 00:002: Kometenmelodie 1 - 00:003: Kometenmelodie 2 - 00:004: Mitternacht - 00:005: Morgenspaziergang - 00:00 |
LP/450: Kraftwerk - Computerwelt (Yellow) - EU - 2020 - Klingklang - 50999 6 99590 1 1 - 0190295272296Spezial Edition Farbiges Vinyl
Yellow Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: B980069-01 A1 699 590-1-A1Matrixcode Seite 2: B980069-01 B1 699 590-1-B11: Computerwelt - 00:002: Taschenrechner - 00:003: Nummern - 00:004: Computerwelt 2 - 00:005: Computer Liebe - 00:006: Heimcomputer - 00:007: It's More Fun To Compute - 00:00 |
S/922: Kraftwerk - Das Model / The Model - Deutschland - 1982 - Klingklang - 006-78078 - -1: Das Model - 03:392: The Model - 03:39 |
CD/1006: Kraftwerk - Der Katalog - EU - 2009 - Klingklang - KLANGBOX 002DE - 50999307852291: Autobahn (5099930785328) - 00:002: Radio-Aktivität (5099930785427) - 00:003: Trans Europa Express (5099930785526) - 00:004: The Mensch-Maschine (5099930785625) - 00:005: Computerwelt (5099930785724) - 00:006: Techno Pop (5099930785823) - 00:007: The Mix (5099930785922) - 00:008: Tour de France (5099930786028) - 00:00 |
LP/449: Kraftwerk - Die Mensch-Maschine (Red) - EU - 2020 - Klingklang - 50999 6 99589 1 5 - 0190295272319Spezial Edition Farbiges Vinyl
Red Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: B980081-01 A1 699 589 1-A1 J.C. ^Matrixcode Seite 2: B980081-01 B2 699 589 1-B2 J.C.1: Die Roboter - 00:002: Spacelab - 00:003: Metropolis - 00:004: Das Model - 00:005: Neonlicht - 00:006: Die Mensch•Maschine - 00:00 |
S/618: Kraftwerk - Die Roboter 3-D - Deutschland - 2017 - Parlophone - 121501 - Exclusively sold with Musikexpress magazine (edition August 17).
Single sided with laser etching on side BMatrixcode Seite 1: 121501A1FK1: Die Roboter - 03:33 |
LP/76: Kraftwerk - Electric Cafe (english version) - D - 1986 - - - 1: Boing Boom Tschak - 02:572: Electric Cafe - 04:203: Musique Non Stop - 05:454: Sex Object - 06:515: Techno Pop - 07:426: The Telephone Call - 08:03 |
S/685: Kraftwerk - Heimcomputer (Yellow) - Deutschland - 2021 - Parlophone - - Musikepxress exclusive, 1-sided yellow vinylMatrixcode Seite 1: 125037A1 FK1: Heimcomputer - 04:45 |
LP/352: Kraftwerk - 3-D Der Katalog - EU - 2017 - Parlophone - 0190295923501 - 01902959235018-LP (Autobahn, Radioaktivität, Trans Europa Express, Die Mensch-Maschine, Computerwelt, Techno Pop, The Mix, Tour de France)
Matrixcode Seite 1: BG48314-01 A1 JV 923 358+495-A1 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 2: BG48314-01 B5 TZ 923 358+495-B5 J.C.2014Matrixcode Seite 3: BG48321-01 A1 923 341-A1 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 4: BG48321-01 B1 SF 923 341+488-B1 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 5: BG49270-01 A2 923 334-A2 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 6: BG49270-01 B2 923 334-B2 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 7: BG49608-01 A1 923 303+471-A1 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 8: BG49608-01 B1 =7 923 303-B1 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 9: BG49264-01 A2 923 297-A2 J.C.2016 =2Matrixcode Seite 10: BG49264-01 B3 31 923 297-B3 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 11: BG49267-01 A2 923 280+433-A2 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 12: BG49267-01 B1 923 280-B1 J.C.2016 VVMatrixcode Seite 13: BG49915-01 A2 923 273-A2 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 14: BG49915-01 B3 923 273+426-B3 J.C.2016 ^4Matrixcode Seite 15: BG49915-02 C1 923 273-C1 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 16: BG49915-02 D4 923 273+426-D4 J.C.2016Matrixcode Seite 17: BG48483-01 A9 A1 923 266+419-A9 J.C.2017Matrixcode Seite 18: BG48483-01 B1 923 266+419-B1 J.C.20161: Autobahn - 14:272: Kometenmelodie 1 - 05:293: Kometenmelodie 2 - 03:304: Mitternacht - 02:155: Morgenspaziergang - 01:176: Geigerzähler - 00:317: Radioaktivität - 06:148: Radioland - 05:559: Sendepause - 00:2510: Nachrichten - 01:1711: Aetherwellen - 06:0112: Die Stimmer der Energie - 00:5113: Antenne - 03:3714: Radio Sterne - 02:1915: Uran - 01:2616: Transistor - 01:1417: Ohm Sweet Ohm - 02:5818: Trans Europa Express - 03:2119: Metall Auf Metall - 02:0820: Abzug - 02:2421: Schaufensterpuppen - 03:3722: Franz Schubert - 01:1223: Europa Endlos - 05:5224: Spiegelsaal - 05:2025: Die Mensch-Maschine - 05:0826: Spacelab - 05:2727: Metropolis - 05:4528: Das Model - 03:3829: Neonlicht - 05:4330: Die Roboter - 07:4431: Nummern - 02:0832: Computerwelt - 03:2233: It's More Fun To Compute - 01:0334: Heimcomputer - 05:0935: Computerliebe - 06:3336: Taschenrechner - 03:2637: Detaku - 03:0838: Boing Boom Tschak - 02:3339: Techno Pop - 02:4640: Musik Non Stop - 07:4541: Electric Cafe - 03:5042: Der Telefon Anruf - 02:4543: House Phone - 02:3044: Sex Objekt - 05:3045: Planet der Visionen - 00:0046: Toure de France - 00:0047: Prologue - 00:0048: Etape 1 - 00:0049: Chrono - 00:0050: Etape 2 - 00:0051: Elektro Kardiogramm - 00:0052: Aero Dynamik - 00:0053: Vitamin - 00:0054: La Forme - 00:0055: Regeneration - 00:00 |
CD/510: Kraftwerk - Radio-Aktivität - EU - 1975 - EMI Electrola - CDP 546-7 46132 2 - 0077774613224Matrixcode CD: EMI UDEN 7461322 @ 11: Geigerzähler - 01:042: Radioaktivität - 06:443: Radioland - 05:534: Ätherwelten - 04:535: Sendepause - 00:156: Nachrichten - 01:317: Die Stimme der Energie - 00:548: Antenne - 03:459: Radio Sterne - 03:3810: Uran - 01:2411: Transistor - 02:1512: Ohm Sweet Ohm - 05:40 |
LP/447: Kraftwerk - Radio-Aktivität (Yellow) - EU - 2020 - Klingklang - 50999 6 99587 1 7 - 0190295272364Spezial Edition Farbiges Vinyl
Yellow Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: B980057-01 A2 ^S 699587 1 A2Matrixcode Seite 2: B980057-01 B1 X^ 699587 1 B11: Geigerzähler - 00:002: Radioaktivität - 00:003: Radioland - 00:004: Ätherwellen - 00:005: Sendepause - 00:006: Nachrichten - 00:007: Die Stimme Der Energie - 00:008: Antenne - 00:009: Radio Sterne - 00:0010: Uran - 00:0011: Transistor - 00:0012: Ohm Sweet Ohm - 00:00 |
LP/451: Kraftwerk - Techno Pop (Clear) - EU - 2020 - Klingklang - 50999 6 99591 1 0 - 0190295272142Spezial Edition Farbiges Vinyl
Clear Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: B980053-01 A2 699 591 1-A2 J.C. tsMatrixcode Seite 2: B980053-01 B1 699 591 1 B1 ve1: Boing Boom Tschak - 00:002: Techno Pop - 00:003: Musique Non Stop - 00:004: Der Telefon Anruf - 00:005: House Phone - 00:006: Sex Objekt - 00:007: Electric Cafe - 00:00 |
CD/829: Kraftwerk - The Catalogue - EU - 2012 - Klingklang - KLANGBOX 003 - 50999644970208CD Box, Limited Black Edition 1841/2000Matrixcode CD1: 9660142 A980935-01Matrixcode CD2: 9660192 A980984-01Matrixcode CD3: 9660202 A980980-01Matrixcode CD4: 9660222 A981035-01Matrixcode CD5: 9660232 A981023-01Matrixcode CD6: 9660502 A981030-01Matrixcode CD7: 9660552 A980968-01Matrixcode CD8: 9661092 A980903-011: Autobahn (5099996750728) - 00:002: Radio-Activity (5099996750827) - 00:003: Trans-Europe-Express (5099996750926) - 00:004: The Man-Machine (5099996751022) - 00:005: Computerworld (5099996751121) - 00:006: Techno Pop (5099996751220) - 00:007: The Mix (5099996751329) - 00:008: Tour de France (5099996751428) - 00:00 |
LP/452: Kraftwerk - The Mix (White) - EU - 2020 - Klingklang - 50999 6 99592 1 9 - 0190295272111Spezial Edition Farbiges Vinyl
White Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: B980056-01 A1 699 592 1-A1 J.C. x1Matrixcode Seite 2: B980056-01 B2 699 592 1-B3 J.C.Matrixcode Seite 3: B980056-02 C1 699 592 1-C1 J.C.Matrixcode Seite 4: B980056-02 D1 699 592 1-D1 J.C.1: Die Roboter - 00:002: Computer Liebe - 00:003: Taschenrechner - 00:004: Dentaku - 00:005: Autobahn - 00:006: Radioaktivität - 00:007: Trans Europa Express - 00:008: Abzug - 00:009: Metall Auf Metall - 00:0010: Heimcomputer - 00:0011: Music Non Stop - 00:00 |
LP/453: Kraftwerk - Tour de France (Blue / Red) - EU - 2020 - Klingklang - 50999 9 66109 1 6 - 0190295272104Spezial Edition Farbiges Vinyl
Blue / Red Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: NS STUMM310 B977410-01 A2Matrixcode Seite 2: STUMM310 X=S B977410-01 B2Matrixcode Seite 3: -1 STUMM310 B977410-02 C2Matrixcode Seite 4: ^|1 STUMM310 B977410-02 D21: Prologue - 00:002: Tour De France Étape 1 - 00:003: Tour De France Étape 2 - 00:004: Tour De France Étape 3 - 00:005: Chrono - 00:006: Vitamin - 00:007: Aéro Dynamik - 00:008: Titanium - 00:009: Elektro Kadiogramm - 00:0010: La Forme - 00:0011: Régéneration - 00:0012: Tour De France - 00:00 |
S/1066: Kraftwerk - Tour de France - Deutschland - 2023 - Parlophone - - - -Musikepxress exclusive, 1-sidedMatrixcode Seite 1: 126380A2FK1: Tour de France - 00:00 |
CD/511: Kraftwerk - Trans Europa Express - EU - 1977 - EMI Electrola - CDP 654-7 46133 2 - 0077774613323Matrixcode CD: EMI UDEN 7461332 @ 1 1-4-1-NL1: Europa Endlos - 09:352: Spiegelsaal - 07:503: Schaufensterpuppen - 06:104: Trans Europa Express - 06:405: Metall auf Metall - 02:106: Abzug - 04:427: Franz Schubert - 04:258: Endlos Endlos - 00:45 |
LP/448: Kraftwerk - Trans Europa Express (Clear) - EU - 2020 - Klingklang - 50999 6 99588 1 6 - 0190295272340Spezial Edition Farbiges Vinyl
Clear Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: B980065-01 A1 699 588 1-A1 J.C. 1SMatrixcode Seite 2: B980065-01 B1 699 588 1-B1 J.C.1: Europa Endlos - 00:002: Spiegelsaal - 00:003: Schaufensterpuppen - 00:004: Trans Europa Express - 00:005: Metall Auf Metall - 00:006: Abzug - 00:007: Franz Schubert - 00:008: Endlos Endlos - 00:00 |
Kylie Minogue |
MX/1720: Kylie + Dannii - 100 Degrees (Still Disco To Me) (Clear) - EU - 2016 - Parlophone - 0190295971076 - 0190295971076Clear vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: BG31130-01 A1 0190295971076Matrixcode Seite 2: BG31130-01 B3 01902959710761: 100 Degrees (Still Disco To Me) (Radio Edit) - 00:002: 100 Degrees (Still Disco To Me) (Steve Anderson Extended Disco Mix) - 00:003: 100 Degrees (Still Disco To Me) (7th Heaven Club Mix) - 00:004: 100 Degrees (Still Disco To Me) (Boney Remix) - 00:00 |
MX/1613: Kylie Minogue - 2 Hearts (Picture Disc) - EU - 2007 - Parlophone - 12R 6751 - 5099951390310Matrixcode Seite 1: CHRISTIAN@ABBEYROADMatrixcode Seite 2: -1: 2 Hearts - 02:532: 2 Hearts (Alan Braxe Remix) - 04:533: 2 Hearts (Studio Remix) - 07:35 |
MX/1681: Kylie Minogue - 2 Hearts (Red) - Grossbritannien - 2007 - - - HEARTS 002 - -unoffical - red vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: HEARTS 002 A-2Matrixcode Seite 2: HEARTS 002 B-11: 2 Hearts (Alan Braxe Dub) - 00:002: 2 Hearts (A Capella) - 00:003: 2 Hearts (Studio Version) - 00:004: 2 Hearts (Mark Brown's Pacha Ibiza Upper Terrace Mix) - 00:00 |
S/613: Kylie Minogue - All The Lovers (Picture Disc) - EU - 2010 - Parlophone - RPD 6817 - 5099964244174Sealed1: All The Lovers - 00:002: Los Amores - 00:00 |
S/620: Kylie Minogue - Better Than Today (Picture Disc) - EU - 2010 - Parlophone - R6828 - 5099994662771sealed
1: Better Than Today - 00:002: Better Than Today (Bills And Hurr Remix) - 00:00 |
CD/288: Kylie Minogue - Body Language - EU - 2003 - Parlophone - 7243 595758 2 7 - 724359575827Matrixcode CD: EMI UDEN 5957582 @ 3 3-1-1-NLMould SID Code: IFPI 2513Mastering SID Code: IFPI L0471: Slow - 00:002: Still Standing - 00:003: Secret (Take You Home) - 00:004: Promises - 00:005: Sweet Music - 00:006: Red Blooded Woman - 00:007: Chocolate - 00:008: Obsession - 00:009: I Feel For You - 00:0010: Someday - 00:0011: Loving Days - 00:0012: After Dark - 00:00 |
LP/573: Kylie Minogue - Body Language - EU - 2024 - Parlophone - 5054197802928 - 5054197802928Matrixcode Seite 1: BN04287-01 A1 5054197802928 5054197802911 PEACHY AR 30 YEARS LATERMatrixcode Seite 2: BN04287-01 B1 5054197802928 50541978029111: Slow - 00:002: Still Standing - 00:003: Secret (Take You Home) - 00:004: Promises - 00:005: Sweet Music - 00:006: Red Blooded Woman - 00:007: Chocolate - 00:008: Obsession - 00:009: I Feel For You - 00:0010: Someday - 00:0011: Loving Days - 00:0012: After Dark - 00:00 |
MCD/237: Kylie Minogue - Breathe - EU - 1998 - BMG - 74321 569972 - 743215699729Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS V-1678/4321569972 AMould SID Code: IFPI 0730Mastering SID Code: IFPI L0241: Breathe (Radio Edit) - 03:392: Breathe (Tee's Radio Edit) - 03:393: Breathe (Tee's Freeze Mix) - 06:594: Breathe (Sash! Club Mix) - 05:205: Breathe (Nalin & Kane Remix) - 10:11 |
MCD/834: Kylie Minogue - Breathe - Grossbritannien - 1998 - Deconstruction - 74321 570142 - 743215701422Matrixcode CD: NIMBUS C9037 7432157014 · 1:0Mould SID Code: IFPI 2317Mastering SID Code: IFPI L1551: Breathe (Radio Edit) - 03:392: Breathe (Sash! Club Mix) - 05:203: Breathe (Tee's Radio Edit) - 03:294: Did It Again (Video) - 03:45 |
MX/1609: Kylie Minogue - Chocolate (Picture Disc) - EU - 2004 - Parlophone - 12R 6639 - 7243549822628Matrixcode Seite 1: B404100-01 A1Matrixcode Seite 2: B404100-01 B11: Chocolate (Tom Middleton Cosmos Mix) - 00:002: Chocolate (Radio Edit) - 00:003: Chocolate (EMÓ Mix) - 00:00 |
MCD/132: Kylie Minogue - Confide In Me - EU - 1994 - RCA - 74321119982 - 743211199823Matrixcode CD: SONOPRESS I-6896 / 4321229982 A DS3Mould SID Code: IFPI 0775Mastering SID Code: IFPI L0231: Confide In Me (Radio Mix) - 04:242: Confide In Me (Master Mix) - 05:513: Confide In Me (Big Brothers Mix) - 10:274: Confide In Me (The Truth Mix) - 06:46 |
MCD/820: Kylie Minogue - Cowboy Style - Australien - 1998 - Mushroom - MUSH01812.2 - 9397600181224Matrixcode CD: 015222-MUSH01812.2 01 ⊹ ⊹⊹ ⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹⊹ SMEAMould SID Code: IFPI 6515Mastering SID Code: IFPI L6811: Cowboy Style - 00:002: Love Takes Over Me - 00:003: Cowboy Style (Video) - 00:00 |
S/643: Kylie Minogue - Dancing - EU - 2018 - BMG - 538360851 - 4050538360851Limited edition
Matrixcode Seite 1: BI13653-01 A2 538360851Matrixcode Seite 2: BI13653-01 B1 5383608511: Dancing - 00:002: Rollin' - 00:00 |
MCD/819: Kylie Minogue - Did It Again - EU - 1997 - Deconstruction - 74321 535692 - 743215356929Matrixcode CD: DISCTRONICS S 743215-35692 01Mastering SID Code: IFPI L501Mould SID Code: IFPI 87151: Did It Agian - 00:002: Tears - 00:003: Did It Agian (Did It Four Times Mix) - 00:004: Some Kind Of Bliss (interative video) - 00:00 |
MCD/835: Kylie Minogue - Did It Again - Grossbritannien - 1997 - Deconstruction - 74321 535702 - 74321535702Matrixcode CD: DISCTRONICS S 743215-35072 02Mould SID Code: IFPI 8719Mastering SID Code: IFPI L5011: Did It Again - 04:152: Did It Again (Trouser Enthusiasts' Goddess Of Contortion Mix) - 10:223: Did It Again (Razor-N-Go Mix) - 11:21 |
CD/1164: Kylie Minogue - Disco (Deluxe, Mediabook) - EU - 2020 - BMG - 538633982 - 4050538633986Matrixcode CD: 2100009127550Mould SID Code: IFPI AEW52Mastering SID Code: IFPI LK971: Magic - 00:002: Miss A Thing - 00:003: Real Groove - 00:004: Monday Blues - 00:005: Supernova - 00:006: Say Something - 00:007: Last Chance - 00:008: I Love It - 00:009: Where Does The DJ Go? - 00:0010: Dance Floor Darling - 00:0011: Unstoppable - 00:0012: Celebrate You - 00:0013: Till You Love Somebody - 00:0014: Fine Wine - 00:0015: Hey Lonely - 00:0016: Spotlight - 00:00 |
LP/458: Kylie Minogue - Disco (Clear) - EU - 2020 - BMG - 538634021 - 4050538634020Limited edition
Clear VinylMatrixcode Seite 1: BK13151-01 A1Matrixcode Seite 2: BK13151-01 B11: Magic - 00:002: Miss A Thing - 00:003: Real Groove - 00:004: Monday Blues - 00:005: Supernova - 00:006: Say Something - 00:007: Last Chance - 00:008: I Love It - 00:009: Where Does The DJ Go? - 00:0010: Dance Floor Darling - 00:0011: Unstoppable - 00:0012: Celebrate You - 00:00 |
LP/464: Kylie Minogue - Disco (Turquoise) - EU - 2020 - BMG - 538634031 - 4050538634037Limited EditionTurquoise Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: BK13151-01 A1Matrixcode Seite 2: BK13151-01 B11: Magic - 00:002: Miss A Thing - 00:003: Real Groove - 00:004: Monday Blues - 00:005: Supernova - 00:006: Say Something - 00:007: Last Chance - 00:008: I Love It - 00:009: Where Does The DJ Go? - 00:0010: Dance Floor Darling - 00:0011: Unstoppable - 00:0012: Celebrate You - 00:00 |
LP/469: Kylie Minogue - Disco (Blue) - EU - 2020 - BMG - 538634041 - 4050538634044Limited edition, blue vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: BK13151-01 A1 x^Matrixcode Seite 2: BK13151-01 B11: Magic - 00:002: Miss A Thing - 00:003: Real Groove - 00:004: Monday Blues - 00:005: Supernova - 00:006: Say Something - 00:007: Last Chance - 00:008: I Love It - 00:009: Where Does The DJ Go? - 00:0010: Dance Floor Darling - 00:0011: Unstoppable - 00:0012: Celebrate You - 00:00 |
LP/468: Kylie Minogue - Disco (2LP, Glow In The Dark) - EU - 2020 - BMG - 538642191 - 4050538642191Limited Edition 2LP, Glow In The Dark VinylMatrixcode Seite 1: BK18950-01 A1 538642201 V^Matrixcode Seite 2: BK18950-01 B1 538642201 V^Matrixcode Seite 3: BK18950-02 C1 V^ 538642211Matrixcode Seite 4: BK18950-02 D1 V^ 5386422111: Magic - 00:002: Miss A Thing - 00:003: Real Groove - 00:004: Monday Blues - 00:005: Supernova - 00:006: Say Something - 00:007: Last Chance - 00:008: I Love It - 00:009: Where Does The DJ Go? - 00:0010: Dance Floor Darling - 00:0011: Unstoppable - 00:0012: Celebrate You - 00:0013: Till You Love Somebody - 00:0014: Fine Wine - 00:0015: Hey Lonely - 00:0016: Spotlight - 00:00 |
LP/465: Kylie Minogue - Disco (2LP, Blue Marbled) - EU - 2020 - BMG - 538643631 - 4050538643633Limited Edition 2LP, Blue Marbled Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: BK18950-01 A1 538642201 TLMatrixcode Seite 2: BK18950-01 B1 538642201 TLMatrixcode Seite 3: BK18950-02 C1 538642211 =1Matrixcode Seite 4: BK18950-02 D1 538642211 =11: Magic - 00:002: Miss A Thing - 00:003: Real Groove - 00:004: Monday Blues - 00:005: Supernova - 00:006: Say Something - 00:007: Last Chance - 00:008: I Love It - 00:009: Where Does The DJ Go? - 00:0010: Dance Floor Darling - 00:0011: Unstoppable - 00:0012: Celebrate You - 00:0013: Till You Love Somebody - 00:0014: Fine Wine - 00:0015: Hey Lonely - 00:0016: Spotlight - 00:00 |
LP/507: Kylie Minogue - Disco - Guest List Edition - EU - 2021 - BMG - 538692851 - 40505386928533-LP, in plastic box1: Magic - 00:002: Miss A Thing - 00:003: Real Groove - 00:004: Monday Blues - 00:005: Supernova - 00:006: Say Something - 00:007: Last Chance - 00:008: I Love It - 00:009: Where Does The DJ Go? - 00:0010: Dance Floor Darling - 00:0011: Unstoppable - 00:0012: Celebrate You - 00:0013: Till You Love Somebody - 00:0014: Fine Wine - 00:0015: Hey Lonely - 00:0016: Spotlight - 00:0017: A Second Midnight with Years & Years - 00:0018: Kiss Of Life with Jessie Ware - 00:0019: Can't Stop Writing Songs About You with Gloria Gaynor - 00:0020: Real Groove with Dua Lipa (Studio 2054 Remix) - 00:0021: Say Something (Basement Jaxx Remix) - 00:0022: Say Something (F9 Club Remix) - 00:0023: Say Something (Syn Cole Extended Remix) - 00:0024: Magic (Purple Disco Machine Extended Miix) - 00:0025: Real Groove with Dua Lipa (Studio 2054 Inital Talk Remix) - 00:0026: Dance Floor Darling (Linslee's Electric Slide Remix) - 00:00 |
LP/504: Kylie Minogue - Disco - Extended Mixes (Purple) - EU - 2021 - BMG - 538695901 - 40505386959082-LP, purple vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 01029989-A-1Matrixcode Seite 2: 01029989-B-1Matrixcode Seite 3: 01030022-C-1Matrixcode Seite 4: 01030022-D-11: Magic - 05:322: Miss A Thing - 05:203: Real Groove - 04:234: Monday Blues - 05:115: Supernova - 04:566: Say Something - 05:227: Last Chance - 04:428: I Love It - 05:029: Where Does The DJ Go? - 04:1410: Dance Floor Darling - 04:3211: Unstoppable - 04:5412: Celebrate You - 05:13 |
CD/144: Kylie Minogue - Fever - EU - 2001 - Parlophone - 7243 535804 2 1 - 724353580421Matrixcode CD: EMI UDEN 5358042 @ 2 1-1-7-NLMould SID Code: IFPI 153DMastering SID Code: IFPI L0461: More More More - 00:002: Love At First Sight - 00:003: Can't Get You Out Of My Head - 00:004: Fever - 00:005: Give It To Me - 00:006: Fragile - 00:007: Come Into My World - 00:008: In Your Eyes - 00:009: Dancefloor - 00:0010: Love Affair - 00:0011: Your Love - 00:0012: Burning Up - 00:00 |
LP/510: Kylie Minogue - Fever (White - 20th anniversary) - EU - 2021 - Parlophone - 0190295846428 - 019029668305320th anniversay edition, white vinyl,
includes printMatrixcode Seite 1: BH69703-01 A1 0190295846428Matrixcode Seite 2: BH69703-01 B1 01902958464281: More More More - 00:002: Love At First Sight - 00:003: Can't Get You Out Of My Head - 00:004: Fever - 00:005: Give It To Me - 00:006: Fragile - 00:007: Come Into My World - 00:008: In Your Eyes - 00:009: Dancefloor - 00:0010: Love Affair - 00:0011: Your Love - 00:0012: Burning Up - 00:00 |
LP/405: Kylie Minogue - Fever (White Vinyl) - Grossbritannien - 2017 - Parlophone - 0190295846428 - 0190295834760Sainsbury's retailer exclusive, white vinyl.Matrixcode Seite 1: BH67903-01 A1 0190295846428Matrixcode Seite 2: BH67903-01 B1 01902958464281: More More More - 00:002: Love At First Sight - 00:003: Can't Get You Out Of My Head - 00:004: Fever - 00:005: Give It To Me - 00:006: Fragile - 00:007: Come Into My World - 00:008: In Your Eyes - 00:009: Dancefloor - 00:0010: Love Affair - 00:0011: Your Love - 00:0012: Burning Up - 00:00 |
LP/408: Kylie Minogue - Fever (Red Vinyl) - Singapur - 2017 - Parlophone - 0190295846428 - 0190295664909Singapure exclusive red vinyl.
Matrixcode Seite 1: BH67903-01 A1 0190295846428Matrixcode Seite 2: BH67903-01 B1 01902958464281: More More More - 00:002: Love At First Sight - 00:003: Can't Get You Out Of My Head - 00:004: Fever - 00:005: Give It To Me - 00:006: Fragile - 00:007: Come Into My World - 00:008: In Your Eyes - 00:009: Dancefloor - 00:0010: Love Affair - 00:0011: Your Love - 00:0012: Burning Up - 00:00 |
S/616: Kylie Minogue - Flower (Picture Disc) - EU - 2012 - Parlophone - R 6882 - 50999721246731-sided picture disc
selaed1: Flower - 03:34 |
S/615: Kylie Minogue - Get Outta My Way (Picture Disc) - EU - 2010 - Parlophone - R 6816 - 5099990538575Sealed1: Get Outta My Way - 00:002: Get Outta My Way (Bimbo Jones Piano Mix - Radio Edit) - 00:00 |
MX/1610: Kylie Minogue - Giving You Up (Picture Disc) - EU - 2006 - Parlophone - 12r 6661 - 7243869362648Matrixcode Seite 1: B520515-01 A1 DOUG@TOWNHOUSEMatrixcode Seite 2: B520515-01 B11: Giving You Up (Riton Re-Rub Dub) - 00:002: Giving You Up (Original) - 00:003: Giving You Up (Alter Ego Remix) - 00:00 |
LP/390: Kylie Minogue - Golden (Picture Disc) - EU - 2018 - BMG - 538360791 - 4050538360790Picture DiscMatrixcode Seite 1: BH09031-01 A1 +1 538360711Matrixcode Seite 2: BH09031-01 B1 +1 5383607111: Dancing - 00:002: Stop Me From Falling - 00:003: Golden - 00:004: A Lifetime To Repair - 00:005: Sincerly Yours - 00:006: One Last Kiss - 00:007: Live A Little - 00:008: Shelby '68 - 00:009: Radio On - 00:0010: Love - 00:0011: Raining Glitter - 00:0012: Music's Too Sad Without You - 00:00 |
LP/467: Kylie Minogue - Golden (Clear) - EU - 2018 - BMG - 538360791 - 4050538360790Limited edition, clear vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 538360711 VI BH09031-01 A1 SJMatrixcode Seite 2: 538360711 BH09031-01 B1 SJ II11: Dancing - 00:002: Stop Me From Falling - 00:003: Golden - 00:004: A Lifetime To Repair - 00:005: Sincerly Yours - 00:006: One Last Kiss - 00:007: Live A Little - 00:008: Shelby '68 - 00:009: Radio On - 00:0010: Love - 00:0011: Raining Glitter - 00:0012: Music's Too Sad Without You - 00:00 |
S/607: Kylie Minogue - Golden Boy - EU - 2014 - Parlophone - R6921 - 825646320875Limited edition with etched b-side
1: Golden Boy - 03:34 |
S/1089: Kylie - Hold On To Now (White) - EU - 2023 - BMG - 964000491 - 4099964000498White vinylMatrixcode Seite 1: 273246H1/AMatrixcode Seite 2: 273246H2/A1: Hold On To Now - 00:002: Hold On To Now (Extended Mix) - 00:00 |
MX/1619: Kylie Minogue - I Believe In You (Picture Disc) - EU - 2004 - Parlophone - 12R 6656 - 7243816931621: I Believe In You (Original Version) - 00:002: I Believe In You (Mylo Dub) - 00:003: I Believe In You (Skylark Mix) - 00:00 |
S/622: Kylie Minogue - I Was Gonna Cancel - EU - 2014 - Parlophone - R6933 - 8256462898751-sided picture disc
Matrixcode Seite 1: BE48718-01 A1 0825646289875-011: I Was Gonna Cancel - 03:30 |
LP/521: Kylie Minogue - Impossible Princess (Marbled) - EU - 2022 - BMG - BMGCAT586MLP - 4050538816594special edition
marbled purple
with art print
Matrixcode Seite 1: BM7078101-A1 = MATT @ METROPOLIS = <=^ BMGCAT58MLP A1Matrixcode Seite 2: BM7078101-B1 LIS BMGCAT58MLP B11: Too Far - 00:002: Cowboy Style - 00:003: Some Kind Of Bliss - 00:004: Did It Again - 00:005: Breathe - 00:006: Say Hey - 00:007: Drunk - 00:008: I Don't Need Anymore - 00:009: Jump - 00:0010: Limbo - 00:0011: Through The Years - 00:0012: Dreams - 00:00 |
LP/520: Kylie Minogue - Impossible Princess (Orange) - EU - 2022 - BMG - BMGCAT586OLP - 4050538816587limited edition
Matrixcode Seite 1: BM70781-01 A1 =MATT @ METROPOLIS = BMGCAT586MLP A1Matrixcode Seite 2: BM70781-01 B1 21 BMGCAT586MLP B11: Too Far - 00:002: Cowboy Style - 00:003: Some Kind Of Bliss - 00:004: Did It Again - 00:005: Breathe - 00:006: Say Hey - 00:007: Drunk - 00:008: I Don't Need Anymore - 00:009: Jump - 00:0010: Limbo - 00:0011: Through The Years - 00:0012: Dreams - 00:00 |
LP/528: Kylie Minogue - Impossible Princess (Picture Disc) - EU - 2022 - BMG - BMGCAT586PLP - 4050538816600Limited edition picture disc
1: Too Far - 00:002: Cowboy Style - 00:003: Some Kind Of Bliss - 00:004: Did It Again - 00:005: Breathe - 00:006: Say Hey - 00:007: Drunk - 00:008: I Don't Need Anymore - 00:009: Jump - 00:0010: Limbo - 00:0011: Through The Years - 00:0012: Dreams - 00:00 |
LP/522: Kylie Minogue - Impossible Princess (Violet) - EU - 2022 - BMG - BMGCAT586VLP - 4050538816570limited edition
violetMatrixcode Seite 1: BM70781-01 A1 = MATT @ METROPOLIS = V- BMGCAT586MLP A1Matrixcode Seite 2: BM70781-01 B1 BMGCAT586MLP B1 5-1: Too Far - 00:002: Cowboy Style - 00:003: Some Kind Of Bliss - 00:004: Did It Again - 00:005: Breathe - 00:006: Say Hey - 00:007: Drunk - 00:008: I Don't Need Anymore - 00:009: Jump - 00:0010: Limbo - 00:0011: Through The Years - 00:0012: Dreams - 00:00 |
MX/1617: Kylie Minogue - In My Arms (Picture Disc) - EU - 2008 - Parlophone - 509995149817 - 509995149817sealed1: In My Arms - 00:002: In My Arms (Spitzer Remix) - 00:003: In My Arms (Sebastien Leger Remix) - 00:00 |
S/623: Kylie Minogue - In My Arms (Pink Vinyl) - EU - 2008 - Parlophone - R6756 - 5099921283871Matrixcode Seite 1: R6756 A-1Matrixcode Seite 2: R6756 B-11: In My Arms - 00:002: Can't Get You Out Of My Head (Greg Kurstin Remix) - 00:00 |
S/621: Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue (Blue Vinyl) - Australien - 2014 - Warner Music - 5419612011 - 9340650019955Matrixcode Seite 1: ZE4367A 5419612011 CDALTRONMatrixcode Seite 2: ZE4367B 5419612011 CDALTRON1: Into The Blue - 04:112: Sparks - 03:29 |
CD/1168: Kylie Minogue - Impossible Princess (2CD Edition) - EU - 2005 - BMG - 82876511152 - 828765111522Matrixcode CD1: Sonopress 51316729/85876511152-1 23Matrixcode CD2: Sonopress 51316730/85876511152-2 23Mould SID Code(CD1): IFPI 077YMastering SID Code(CD1): IFPI LB45Mould SID Code(CD2): IFPI 077ZMastering SID Code(CD2): IFPI LP731: Too Far - 00:002: Cowboy Style - 00:003: Some Kind Of Bliss - 00:004: Did It Again - 00:005: Breathe - 00:006: Say Hey - 00:007: Drunk - 00:008: I Don't Need Anymore - 00:009: Jump - 00:0010: Limbo - 00:0011: Through The Years - 00:0012: Dreams - 00:0021: Love Takes Over Me - 00:0022: Too Far (Inner Door Mix) - 00:0023: Did It Again (Did It Four Times Mix) - 00:0024: Breathe (Tee's Dancehall Mix) - 00:0025: Tears - 00:0026: Too Far (Junior's Riff Dub) - 00:0027: Breathe (Tee's Dub Of Live) - 00:0028: Some Kind Of Bliss (Quivver Mix) - 00:0029: Did It Again (Razor-n-Go Dub) - 00:0030: Breathe (Tee's Glimmer Mix) - 00:0031: Breathe (North Pole Mix) - 00:0032: This Girl - 00:00 |
CD/119: Kylie Minogue - Kylie Minogue (Impossible Princess) - Grossbritannien - 1997 - Deconstruction - 74321 517272 - 743215172727Matrixcode CD: DISCTRONICS S 743215-17272 01Mould SID Code: IFPI 8716Mastering SID Code: IFPI L5021: Too Far - 00:002: Cowboy Style - 00:003: Some Kind Of Bliss - 00:004: Did It Again - 00:005: Breathe - 00:006: Say Hey - 00:007: Drunk - 00:008: I Don't Need Anymore - 00:009: Jump - 00:0010: Limbo - 00:0011: Through The Years - 00:0012: Dreams - 00:00 |
LP/406: Kylie Minogue - Kylie Minogue (White Vinyl) - Grossbritannien - 2018 - BMG - BMGCAT301LP - 4050538398984Sainsbury's retailer exclusive, white vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: BI34979-01 A1 BRAZZA ALCHEMY BMGCAT301LP A2Matrixcode Seite 2: BI34979-01 B1 BMGCAT301LP B21: Confide In Me - 00:002: Surrender - 00:003: If I Was Your Lover - 00:004: Where Is The Feeling? - 00:005: Pu Yourself In My Place - 00:006: Dangerous Game - 00:007: Automatic Love - 00:008: Where Has The Love Gone - 00:009: Falling - 00:0010: Time Will Pass You By - 00:00 |
CD/478: Kylie Minogue - Kylie Minogue Special Edition - EU - 2003 - BMG - 82876 510982 - 82876510982Matrixcode CD1: 51316727/82876510982-1 22Matrixcode CD2: 51316728/82876510982-2 22Mould SID Code(CD1): IFPI RV22Mastering SID Code(CD1): IFPI LB47Mould SID Code(CD2): IFPI RV22Mastering SID Code(CD2): IFPI LB471: Confide In Me - 00:002: Surrender - 00:003: If I Was Your Lover - 00:004: Where Is The Feeling? - 00:005: Put Yourself In My Place - 00:006: Dangerous Game - 00:007: Automatic Love - 00:008: Where Has The Love Gone? - 00:009: Falling - 00:0010: Time Will Pass You By - 00:0011: Dangerous Overture - 00:0012: Confide In Me (Jsutin Warfield Mix) - 00:0013: Put Yourself In My Place (Dan's Old School Mix) - 00:0014: Where Is The Feeling? (Acoustic Version) - 00:0015: Nothing Can Stop Us - 00:0016: Love Is Waiting - 00:0017: Time Will Pass You By (Paul Masterson Mix) - 00:0018: Where Is The Feeling (West End TKO Mix) - 00:0019: Falling (Alternative Mix) - 00:0020: Confide In Me (Big Brothers Mix) - 00:0021: Surrender (Talking Soul Mix) - 00:0022: Put Yourself In My Place (Accoustic Version) - 00:0023: If You Don't Love Me (Accoustic Version) - 00:0024: Confide In Me (French Version) - 00:00 |
S/1087: Kylie - Lights Camera Action - EU - 2024 - BMG - 964120241 - 4099964120240Matrixcode Seite 1: 228904H1/AMatrixcode Seite 2: 228904H2/A1: Lights Camera Action - 00:002: Lights Camera Action (Extended Mix) - 00:00 |
S/677: Kylie - Magic (Orange) - EU - 2020 - BMG - 538643871 - 4050538643879Limited Edition, orange vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 538643871 BK18461-01 A1 STMatrixcode Seite 2: 538643871 BK18461-01 B1 ST1: Magic - 00:002: Till You Love Somebody - 00:00 |
LP/147: Kylie Minogue - Mixes - EU - 1998 - BMG Ariola - 72431 587151 - 72432158715143-LP
Matrixcode Seite 1: 74321-58715-1-A1 G T2TMatrixcode Seite 2: 74321-58715-1-B1Matrixcode Seite 3: 74321-58715-1-C1Matrixcode Seite 4: 74321-58715-1-D1Matrixcode Seite 5: 74321-58715-1-E1Matrixcode Seite 6: 74321-58715-1-F11: Too Far (Brothers In Rhythm Mix) - 00:002: Too Far (Junior Vasquez Remix) - 00:003: Some Kind Of Bliss (Quiver Mix) - 00:004: Breathe (Tee's Freeze Mix) - 00:005: Breathe (Sash! Club Mix) - 00:006: Breathe (Nalin & Kane Remix) - 00:007: Did It Again (Trousser Enthusists' Goddess Of Cont - 00:008: Did It Again (Razor-N-Go Mix) - 00:00 |
S/1088: Kylie - My Oh My (Violet) - EU - 2024 - BMG - 964060401 - 4099964060400Violet vinylMatrixcode Seite 1: 284445H1/AMatrixcode Seite 2: 284445H2/A1: My Oh My - 00:002: My Oh My (Extended Mix) - 00:00 |
S/1084: Kylie - Padam Padam (Red) - Grossbritannien - 2023 - BMG - 538966081 - 4060538966084Red vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 269731H1/AMatrixcode Seite 2: 269731H2/B1: Padam Padam - 00:002: Padam Padam (Extended Mix) - 00:00 |
S/684: Kylie Minogue - Real Groove (Green) - EU - 2021 - BMG - 538669601 - 4050538669602Limited Edition, green vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: BL32155-01 A1 ST ^- 538669601Matrixcode Seite 2: BL32155-01 B1 ST 5386696011: Real Groove - 00:002: Real Groove (Studio 2054 Remix) ft. Dua Lipa - 00:00 |
MCD/829: Kylie Minogue - Red Blooded Woman - Grossbritannien - 2004 - Parlophone - CDRS 6633 - 724354822308Enhanced CD
Matrixcode CD: EMI UDEN 5482230 @ 1 1-1-8-NLMould SID Code: IFPI 1538Mastering SID Code: IFPI L0461: Red Blooded Woman - 04:202: Cruise Control - 04:543: Slow (Chemical Brothers Remix) - 07:154: Red Blooded Woman (Video) - 04:085: Photo Gallery (Data) - 00:00 |
MX/1616: Kylie Minogue - Red Blooded Woman (Picture Disc) - EU - 2004 - Parlophone - 724354827464 - 724354827464Matrixcode Seite 1: 5482746 1A1 F.A. TOWNHOUSEMatrixcode Seite 2: 5482746 1B11: Red Blooded Woman (Whitney Mix) - 00:002: Slow (Chemical Brothers Mix) - 00:003: Slow (Narcotic Thrust Mix) - 00:00 |
MX/1693: Kylie Minogue - Red Blooded Woman (Whitey Mix) - Grossbritannien - 2004 - Parlophone - 12RDJZ6633 - -one-sided
Matrixcode Seite 1: 5482746 1A1 F.A. TOWNHOUSE1: Red Blooded Woman (Whitey Mix) - 00:00 |
MX/1729: Giorgio Moroder feat. Kylie Minogue - Right Here, Right Now (Grey) - Grossbritannien - 2020 - Good For You Records - GFYWAX003 - Record Store Day 2020
Grey Vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: ZD4227M1/AMatrixcode Seite 2: ZD4227M2/A1: Right Here, Right Now (Kenny Summit Club Mix) - 06:272: Right Here, Right Now (Kenny Summit Instrumental) - 06:27 |
S/678: Kylie - Say Something (Red) - EU - 2020 - BMG - 538642231 - 4050538642230Limited Edition, red vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 538642231 BK17558-01 A1Matrixcode Seite 2: 538642231 BK17558-01 B11: Say Something - 00:002: Say Something (Acoustic) - 00:00 |
MCD/830: Kylie Minogue - Slow - Grossbritannien - 2003 - Parlophone - 553 3630 - 724355336309Enhanced CDMatrixcode CD: EMI UDEN 5533630 @ 1 1-1-10-NLMould SID Code: IFPI 1596Mastering SID Code: IFPI L0461: Slow - 03:152: Sweet Music - 04:103: Slow (Medicine 8 Remix) - 06:574: Slow (Video) - 03:55 |
MX/1615: Kylie Minogue - Slow (Picture Disc) - EU - 2003 - Parlophone - 553 3626 - 724355336262Matrixcode Seite 1: B389592-01 A1 PEACHY TOWNHOUSEMatrixcode Seite 2: B389592-01 B11: Slow (Extended Mix) - 00:002: Slow (Radio Slave Remix) - 00:003: Slow (Medicine 8 Remix) - 00:00 |
MX/1636: Kylie Minogue - Slow (The Chemical Brothers Remix) (Yellow) - Grossbritannien - 2003 - Parlophone - 12MINDJY006 - -Heavy, Yellow Vinyl, one-sided
Matrixcode Seite 1: 12MINDJY 006 A-1-1 MIKE'S™ - THE EXCHANGE1: Slow (The Chemical Brothers Remix) - 07:14 |
CD/1124: Kylie Minogue - Step Back In Time (The Definite Collection) - EU - 2019 - Parlophone - BMGCAT385DCDX - 4050538484182Matrixcode CD1: 2100008255056Matrixcode CD2: 2100008255094Mastering SID Code(CD2): IFPI LK97Mould SID Code(CD2): IFPI 9R95Mastering SID Code(CD1): IFPI LK97Mould SID Code(CD1): IFPI AEW531: Can't get You Out Of My Head - 03:502: Spinning Around - 03:273: Love At First Sight - 03:574: Dancing - 02:585: In Your Eyes - 03:176: Slow - 03:137: All The Lovers - 03:198: I Believe In You - 03:199: In My Arms - 03:3110: On A Night Like This - 03:3111: Your Disco Needs You - 03:3112: Please Stay - 04:0413: 2 Hearts - 02:5114: Breathe - 03:3715: Red Blooded Woman - 04:1916: The One - 04:0017: Come Into My World - 04:0418: Wow - 03:1119: Get Outta My Way - 03:3820: Timebomb - 02:5621: Kids with Robbie Williams - 04:1722: Stop Me From Falling - 03:0031: Step Back In Time - 03:0532: Better The Devil You Know - 03:5433: Hand On Your Heart - 03:5134: Wouldn't Change A Thing - 03:1435: Shocked - 03:0836: Especially For You with Jason Donovan - 04:0037: I Should Be So Lucky - 03:2438: Celebration - 03:5939: The Loco-Motion - 03:1340: Give Me Just A Little More Time - 03:0841: Never Too Late - 03:2342: Got To Be Certain - 03:1943: Tears On My Pillow - 02:3044: Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi - 04:0245: What Kind Of Fool (Herard All That Before) - 03:4446: What Do I Have To Do? - 03:3347: Confide In Me - 04:2648: PutYourself In My Place - 04:1049: Where The Wild Roses Grow - 03:5850: New York City - 03:21 |
LP/401: Kylie Minogue - Step Back In Time - EU - 2019 - Parlophone - BMGCAT385DLP - 4050538484212Matrixcode Seite 1: BMGCAT385DLP-A BJ63597-01 A1 DAVE360Matrixcode Seite 2: BJ63597-01 B2 BMGCAT385-B2 DAVE@360ÜMatrixcode Seite 3: BMGCAT385DLP-C1 BJ63597-02 C2 DAVE360Matrixcode Seite 4: BJ63597-02 D1 BMGCAT385DLP-D DAVE3601: Can't Get You Out Of My Head - 00:002: Spinning Around - 00:003: Love At First Sight - 00:004: In Your Eyes - 00:005: Slow - 00:006: All The Lovers - 00:007: I Believe In You - 00:008: In My Arms - 00:009: On A Night Like This - 00:0010: Wow - 00:0011: Step Back In Time - 00:0012: Better The Devil You Know - 00:0013: Shocked - 00:0014: I Should Be So Lucky - 00:0015: Especially For You - 00:0016: Confide In Me - 00:0017: Put Yourself In My Place - 00:0018: 2 Hearts - 00:0019: Dancing - 00:00 |
LP/400: Kylie Minogue - Step Back In Time (Picture Disc) - EU - 2019 - Parlophone - BMGCAT385DLPX - 4050538484243Matrixcode Seite 1: BMGCAT385DLP-A BJ63597-01 A1 DAVE360 B^Matrixcode Seite 2: BJ63597-01 B2 BMGCAT385-B2 DAVEAT360Ü B^Matrixcode Seite 3: BMGCAT385DLP-C1 VI BJ63597-02 C2 DAVE360Matrixcode Seite 4: BJ63597-02 D1 BMGCAT385DLP-D VI^ DAVE3601: Can't Get You Out Of My Head - 00:002: Spinning Around - 00:003: Love At First Sight - 00:004: In Your Eyes - 00:005: Slow - 00:006: All The Lovers - 00:007: I Believe In You - 00:008: In My Arms - 00:009: On A Night Like This - 00:0010: Wow - 00:0011: Step Back In Time - 00:0012: Better The Devil You Know - 00:0013: Shocked - 00:0014: I Should Be So Lucky - 00:0015: Especially For You - 00:0016: Confide In Me - 00:0017: Put Yourself In My Place - 00:0018: 2 Hearts - 00:0019: Dancing - 00:00 |
LP/466: Kylie Minogue - Step Back In Time (Green) - EU - 2019 - Parlophone - BMGCAT385DLPXX - 4050538505627Limited edition, green vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: BMGCATLP385DLP-A TIE BJ63597-01 A1 DAVE360Matrixcode Seite 2: BMGCATLP385DLP-B2 VI3 DAVE360ü BJ63597-01 B2Matrixcode Seite 3: BMGCATLP385DLP-C1 BJ63597-02 C2 DAVE360 T1Matrixcode Seite 4: BMGCATLP385DLP-D TI1 DAVE360 BJ63597-02 D11: Can't Get You Out Of My Head - 00:002: Spinning Around - 00:003: Love At First Sight - 00:004: In Your Eyes - 00:005: Slow - 00:006: All The Lovers - 00:007: I Believe In You - 00:008: In My Arms - 00:009: On A Night Like This - 00:0010: Wow - 00:0011: Step Back In Time - 00:0012: Better The Devil You Know - 00:0013: Shocked - 00:0014: I Should Be So Lucky - 00:0015: Especially For You - 00:0016: Confide In Me - 00:0017: Put Yourself In My Place - 00:0018: 2 Hearts - 00:0019: Dancing - 00:00 |
CD/1211: Kylie Minogue - Tension - EU - 2023 - BMG - 538925682 - 4050538925685Matrixcode CD: Sonopress 58332692/538925682-1 21Mastering SID Code: IFPI LB45Mould SID Code: IFPI 07011: Padam Padam - 00:002: Hold On To Now - 00:003: Things We Do For Love - 00:004: Tension - 00:005: One More Time - 00:006: You Still Get Me High - 00:007: Hands - 00:008: Green Light - 00:009: Vegas High - 00:0010: 10 Out Of 10 (with Oliver Heldens) - 00:0011: Story - 00:00 |
CD/1212: Kylie Minogue (Limited Mediabook) - Tension - EU - 2023 - BMG - 538928052 - 4050538928051limited mediabook incl. 3 bonus tracksMatrixcode CD: GZ 297844 538928052Mastering SID Code(Laser Beam Reco): LBR DF01Mould SID Code(Stamp Code): DFMO41: Padam Padam - 00:002: Hold On To Now - 00:003: Things We Do For Love - 00:004: Tension - 00:005: One More Time - 00:006: You Still Get Me High - 00:007: Hands - 00:008: Green Light - 00:009: Vegas High - 00:0010: 10 Out Of 10 (with Oliver Heldens) - 00:0011: Story - 00:0012: Love Train (Bonus Track) - 00:0013: Just Imagine (Bonus Track) - 00:0014: Somebody To Love (Bonus Track) - 00:00 |
LP/564: Kylie Minogue - Extension (The Extended Mixes) (Clear Splatter) - EU - 2023 - BMG - 4050538959246 - 4050538959246Clear vinyl with Pink and Green splatter
Matrixcode Seite 1: 269005M1/EMatrixcode Seite 2: 269005M2/CMatrixcode Seite 3: 269005M3/HMatrixcode Seite 4: 269005M4/B1: Padam Padam (Extended Mix) - 00:002: Hold On To Now (Extended Mix) - 00:003: Things We Do For Love (Extended Mix) - 00:004: Tension (Extended Mix) - 00:005: One More Time (Extended Mix) - 00:006: You Still Get Me High (Extended Mix) - 00:007: Hands (Extended Mix) - 00:008: Green Light (Extended Mix) - 00:009: Vegas High (Extended Mix) - 00:0010: 10 Out Of 10 (Extended Mix) / Oliver Heldens feat. Kylie Minogue - 00:0011: Story (Extended Mix) - 00:00 |
LP/551: Kylie Minogue - Tension (Green) - EU - 2023 - BMG - 538927891 - 4050538927894Matrixcode Seite 1: 538 925 691 - A2 63Matrixcode Seite 2: 538 925 691 - B2 421: Padam Padam - 00:002: Hold On To Now - 00:003: Things We Do For Love - 00:004: Tension - 00:005: One More Time - 00:006: You Still Get Me High - 00:007: Hands - 00:008: Green Light - 00:009: Vegas High - 00:0010: 10 Out Of 10 (with Oliver Heldens) - 00:0011: Story - 00:00 |
LP/552: Kylie Minogue - Tension (Orange) - EU - 2023 - BMG - 538927901 - 4050538927900Matrixcode Seite 1: 538 925 691 - A2 19Matrixcode Seite 2: 538 925 691 - B2 61: Padam Padam - 00:002: Hold On To Now - 00:003: Things We Do For Love - 00:004: Tension - 00:005: One More Time - 00:006: You Still Get Me High - 00:007: Hands - 00:008: Green Light - 00:009: Vegas High - 00:0010: 10 Out Of 10 (with Oliver Heldens) - 00:0011: Story - 00:00 |
LP/557: Kylie Minogue - Tension (Pink) - EU - 2023 - BMG - 538927911 - 4050538927917Matrixcode Seite 1: 538 925 691 - A2 37Matrixcode Seite 2: 538 925 691 - B2 521: Padam Padam - 00:002: Hold On To Now - 00:003: Things We Do For Love - 00:004: Tension - 00:005: One More Time - 00:006: You Still Get Me High - 00:007: Hands - 00:008: Green Light - 00:009: Vegas High - 00:0010: 10 Out Of 10 (with Oliver Heldens) - 00:0011: Story - 00:00 |
LP/558: Kylie Minogue - Tension (Coke Bottle) - EU - 2023 - BMG - 538927921 - 4050538927924Matrixcode Seite 1: 263817E1/A 10-10031/538925691-AMatrixcode Seite 2: 263817E1/B 10-10031/538925691-B1: Padam Padam - 00:002: Hold On To Now - 00:003: Things We Do For Love - 00:004: Tension - 00:005: One More Time - 00:006: You Still Get Me High - 00:007: Hands - 00:008: Green Light - 00:009: Vegas High - 00:0010: 10 Out Of 10 (with Oliver Heldens) - 00:0011: Story - 00:00 |
LP/553: Kylie Minogue - Tension (Gatefold) (Gray) - EU - 2023 - BMG - 538927931 - 4050538927931Limited gatefold edition, grayMatrixcode Seite 1: 538 925 691 - A2 52Matrixcode Seite 2: 538 925 691 - B2 611: Padam Padam - 00:002: Hold On To Now - 00:003: Things We Do For Love - 00:004: Tension - 00:005: One More Time - 00:006: You Still Get Me High - 00:007: Hands - 00:008: Green Light - 00:009: Vegas High - 00:0010: 10 Out Of 10 (with Oliver Heldens) - 00:0011: Story - 00:00 |
LP/563: Kylie Minogue - Tension (No.Limited - clear) - EU - 2023 - BMG - 538948351 - 4050538948356Numbered limited edition #2475/4000
Clear vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 263817E1/A 10-10031/538925691-AMatrixcode Seite 2: 263817E1/B 10-10031/538925691-B1: Padam Padam - 00:002: Hold On To Now - 00:003: Things We Do For Love - 00:004: Tension - 00:005: One More Time - 00:006: You Still Get Me High - 00:007: Hands - 00:008: Green Light - 00:009: Vegas High - 00:0010: 10 Out Of 10 (with Oliver Heldens) - 00:0011: Story - 00:00 |
S/1085: Kylie - Tension (Green) - Grossbritannien - 2023 - BMG - 538966071 - 4050538966077Green (flourescend) vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 269732H1/AMatrixcode Seite 2: 269732H2/A1: Tension - 00:002: Tension (Extended Mix) - 00:00 |
CD/1222: Kylie - Tension II - EU - 2024 - BMG - 964059292 - 4099964059298Matrixcode CD: 58482986/964059292V2 21Mould SID Code: IFPI 0733Mastering SID Code: IFPI L5471: Lights Camera Action - 00:002: Taboo - 00:003: Someone For Me - 00:004: Good As Gone - 00:005: Kiss Bang Bang - 00:006: Diamonds - 00:007: Hello - 00:008: Dance To The Music - 00:009: Shoulda Left Ya - 00:0010: Edge Of Saturday Night with The Blessed Madonna - 00:0011: My Oh My with Bebe Excha and Tove Lo - 00:0012: Midnight Ride with Orville and Diplo - 00:0013: Dance Alone with Sia - 00:00 |
LP/603: Kylie - Tension II (Turquoise) - EU - 2024 - BMG - 967059261 - 4099964059267Turquoise vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 58461990 A21 11Matrixcode Seite 2: 58461991 B21 161: My Oh My with Bebe Excha and Tove Lo - 00:002: Lights Camera Action - 00:003: Taboo - 00:004: Someone For Me - 00:005: Good As Gone - 00:006: Edge Of Saturday Night with The Blessed Madonna - 00:007: Midnight Ride with Orville and Diplo - 00:008: Kiss Bang Bang - 00:009: Diamonds - 00:0010: Hello - 00:0011: Dance To The Music - 00:0012: Shoulda Left Ya - 00:0013: Dance Alone with Sia - 00:00 |
LP/601: Kylie - Tension II (Yellow) - EU - 2024 - BMG - 967059271 - 4099964059274limited edition - Yellow vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 58461990 A21 14Matrixcode Seite 2: 58461991 B21 151: My Oh My with Bebe Excha and Tove Lo - 00:002: Lights Camera Action - 00:003: Taboo - 00:004: Someone For Me - 00:005: Good As Gone - 00:006: Edge Of Saturday Night with The Blessed Madonna - 00:007: Midnight Ride with Orville and Diplo - 00:008: Kiss Bang Bang - 00:009: Diamonds - 00:0010: Hello - 00:0011: Dance To The Music - 00:0012: Shoulda Left Ya - 00:0013: Dance Alone with Sia - 00:00 |
LP/602: Kylie - Tension II (Clear) - EU - 2024 - BMG - 967059281 - 4099964059281Clear vinyl
Matrixcode Seite 1: 58461990 A21 11Matrixcode Seite 2: 58461991 B21 21: My Oh My with Bebe Excha and Tove Lo - 00:002: Lights Camera Action - 00:003: Taboo - 00:004: Someone For Me - 00:005: Good As Gone - 00:006: Edge Of Saturday Night with The Blessed Madonna - 00:007: Midnight Ride with Orville and Diplo - 00:008: Kiss Bang Bang - 00:009: Diamonds - 00:0010: Hello - 00:0011: Dance To The Music - 00:0012: Shoulda Left Ya - 00:0013: Dance Alone with Sia - 00:00 |
MX/1618: Kylie Minogue - Wow (Picture Disc) - EU - 2008 - Parlophone - 12R 6754 - 509995209401sealedMatrixcode Seite 1: 12R 6656 - A2 B414343-01 A-1Matrixcode Seite 2: 12R 6656B1 B413885-01 B11: Wow - 03:102: Wow (CSS Remix) - 03:143: Wow (F*** I'm Famous Remix By David Guetta & Joachim Garraud) - 06:224: Wow (Mstrkrft Remix) - 04:45 |